Through the Garden Gate February 2022

 Welcome to February's Through the Garden Gate although I think a better title for it this month would be 'Over the Garden Gate'. Storm Eunice did its worst and knocked over 5 fence panels, blew the side gate and post completely off. took the casing off the top of the Conservatory and damaged one of our seats. Sadly the willow tree over the fence that provided a lovely backdrop to the garden was also hit. Despite all this the garden has come alive this month with a host of spring flowers so it isn't all doom and gloom so let's take a wander around!

It's lovely to see bees once again returning to the garden and collecting pollen.

 In the last few years we have concentrated in expanded our spring garden at the side of the house with an abundance of daffodils and primroses, hellebores and violets. We have extended our hellebores this year having appreciated last year just how long they flower and  how well they do in our conditions.

This is the first year we have planted iris reticulata on mass in a pot, we bought it inside during the storm and so could still enjoy the flowers.

The problem with going to the garden centre to buy bird seeds (which they consume at a rapid rate) is that you can frequently get tempted by plants. This Pulmonia Blue Ensign was being enjoyed by insects so another reason to buy it! Below is our huge gaps in the fence. Although we have a number of miniature daffodils in this border I think we need to extend our spring garden to this area too especially at the early part of the season.

 They say a change is as good as a rest, one benefit of the storm has been a chance to revaluate. I don't like the tall fences but we want the privacy and they also do protect the house and garden from the salt-laden winds. I do try and hide them with climbers but at this time of the year they don't look at their best. We inherited fences that were painted an orangey brown which we changed to green although it is going to take a while I like the change I have now made to grey which matches with the shed. It has given this section of the garden  a more coastal feel too.

How have you survived this month, have you been effected by adverse weather too?

It is always wonderful to see other gardens from around the world and share our love of gardening. If you would like to join us with Through the garden gate this month, please let me know in the comments below and I will add you below. 

Sarah x


  1. What a lot of colour you have in your Spring garden, Sarah. It looks lovely and has made me want to buy some more hellebores. Your garden looks to be further on than mine, but then we are in the north.
    I like the colour of your fence and shed. I'm sorry you had so much storm damage, but its good to be positive and use it as an opportunity to make changes. here's my post for February:

  2. The spring flowers in your garden look amazing! The hellebores are gorgeous. Iā€™m sorry to hear that you have had such a terrible storm. In my opinion the grey colour of the fence accentuates the colourful flowers. A post about my garden is here

  3. I love all that colour! We are still cold and white. Burr! Thank you for the beauty, much needed in the world today!

  4. Your spring garden is looking very lush and I particularly love those pink hellebores. Sad about your damage but itā€™s always good to have change in a garden. The grey of your shed and panels is a great backdrop for planting. Fortunately we went unscathed this time in the storms which only just clipped us. B x

  5. Some roses for you

  6. I inherited nasty park bench green walls - and would love your mellow grey instead!
    Such a contrast between vicious storm damage and lush spring flowers.

  7. Hi Sarah, your garden is looking splendid, especially considering the rain, wind and weather. I like the way you have put the bulbs in your spring garden close together, it supports them all and the Hellebores are looking grand amongst the daffodils.

  8. Your garden is looking great, especially considering the wild winds and weather conditions. I like the way you have put your spring bulbs close together, and they can support each other, the Hellebores are facing upwards! Wonderful.

  9. Eunice was certainly in a bad mood when she blew over your garden! I'm glad you nor your family were hurt in any way. The spring flowers looked beautiful and after a long hard winter, they really make your heart sing. If I could do it all over, I would have put my spring bulbs where they could be seen from inside the house. However, digging it all up and moving everything is not something I want to tackle right now! Instead, I think I will go out and cut all of the blooms down and bring them into the house.
    We have survived our storm also and my husband's health improves daily as he continues to grow stronger. Going through a storm does make one reevaluate everything.


  10. Pulmonaria is one of my favourite spring plants and your blue variety looks very good!

  11. Lovely garden and all lovely spring flowers! So beautiful!
    Love from Titti


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