Through the Garden Gate March 2022

Welcome to our Spring garden, which has been magnificent this month, especially when we have also had a week or so of warm and sunny weather! Unfortunately we both caught COVID two weeks ago, thanks to the vaccines we have had the effect was mild but the forced isolation coincided with the lovely weather, which gave us a great opportunity not only to get lots of work done in the garden but also to sit down and enjoy it and take lots of pictures! (With restrictions easing here infections have escalated at a huge rate and with us both volunteering and meeting visitors from all around the country it is not a surprise that we couldn't escape it for much longer.)

  The spring border includes various varieties of hellebores, daffodils, primroses and pulmonarias.

Our first tulips!

Thalia daffodils

Spring snowflake and forget me nots flowers

Flowers of daffodils lit up by the sun.

The border that last month I was disappointed with! The miniature daffodils here took longer to flower. The pulmonaria looks so much better in large clumps.

 March is definitely daffodil month in our garden, featuring lots of daffodils of various varieties! We have also filled the greenhouse with seeds trays which hopefully will be laden with summer treasures for the vegetable and flower borders.

This white arabis has been a feature in our spring garden for over thirty years, this year we have recently bought a pink coloured one to try.

Tavi has also been out  enjoying the spring garden, although it was seeking the shade as it was so warm.  In contrast today we have been experiencing frequent snow showers which aren't settling amongst the sunshine, March can be so unpredictable! How has your garden faired this month? 

It is always wonderful to see other gardens from around the world and share our love of gardening. If you would like to join us with Through the garden gate this month, please let me know in the comments below and I will add you below. 

Sarah x


  1. Covid is spreading rapidly here as the restrictions are eliminated. The vaccinations are helping people have mild symptoms but the latest variant is creating another wave. It is never ending!

  2. Oh Sarah, I am so sorry to hear you have been sick! Be careful and take it slow. Sit in your beautiful garden and just relax. I know that is so hard to do for us gardeners when the weather is warm.


    Gracious timing to be confined to home and enjoy your lovely spring flowers!

    Take care, my sister is recovering from a rough 2 weeks in hospital in January. We are enjoying her 'walking rehab' at Kirstenbosch each week.

  4. I am so sorry to hear you were sick, Sarah, but thankful it was not real serious. Your garden is so beautiful, thank you for sharing. Take care of yourself.

  5. My garden is looking quite empty compared to yours, Sarah. The daffodils are lovely especially the Thalia, I love the pale colour of them it is such a change from bright yellow. Hope you're feeling better from the Covid. Our daughter and son-in-law have it at the moment. Here's my post for this month:

  6. I'm so glad your Covid was a mild case. Your garden is beautiful! That you got to spend more time working in it and enjoying it was a bonus. I was glad to see Tavi, too. It's a long sad story, but we no longer have our second Westie, Gabriel Too. I have no plans to get another, at least not anytime soon. Our youngest son will be adding twins to his family of 3 come October and we will be kept busy helping out for quite awhile.

    1. Sorry for your loss, have responded more fully on your blog Cathy. X

  7. I hope you feel better now! Your garden is so beautiful and my favourite is just the Thalia...
    Take care and have a lovely day.

  8. Sorry to hear you were sick. Relaxing is a good idea and it helps to recover health, Your garden looks really beautiful, I love these spring scenes.

  9. How beautiful - especially the quality of the sunlight shining on the white flowers...
    All the best :)

  10. Hope you both make a speedy recovery!

  11. Your garden is stunning this month. So much to love. At least you were able to make the most of it this month. Hope youā€™ve fully recovered. I particularly love the Thalia daffodils. B x


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