Through the Garden Gate June 2024

 June is always the best month in our garden with the longer days and an abunndance of flowers. We usually go away for a week in June. Being creatures of habit we usually go away for a week in June and miss some of the display! Our cat Jack was diagnosed with pancreatitis a few months ago and we reduced a holiday to just a short break so managed to enjoy the garden for a few more days!

Our front garden has never looked so good at this time of year and we have so many visiting insects.

Geraniums and Roses have dominated the back garden.

The sheep have returned to the neighbouring fields giving us glimpses of them beyond the garden foliage.

The salad crop is abundant and we have eaten our first cucumber from the green house. The last two weeks have been warm with little rain and the water butts are drying up a small shower this morning made little impact,

What are the highlights in your garden this month?

It is always wonderful to see other gardens and watch their development during the year. If you want to join in with Through the garden gate each month please let me know in the comments below and I will add your site. 
Sarah x


  1. Sorry to hear about your cat. Hope he is coping. Your garden is looking stunning. So many beautiful flowers especially the roses. B x

  2. As gorgeous as your garden is, I would hate to leave it also!

    I'm sorry to hear Jack is not well. He is blessed to have you to take care of him.

  3. So sorry that Jack has been unwell, but wonderful that you have had the extra time in your delightful, colourful garden.

  4. It’s stunning! I love the Honeysuckle!
    Highlights in my garden have to be the Roses, the Lavender and the Primula Candelabra…and not forgetting the Comfrey! 😁

  5. What lovely colours in your garden, Sarah! I agree with you that June is the best month and our garden too has been lovely. I think yours is further on than ours, but then we are in the north!

  6. How is Jack?
    You must be very pleased with your garden, having a particularly good year!

    1. Jack has now had an ultrasound that he hated and we have been prescribed some pills which are a challenge to adminster!

  7. There are lots of colours and plants I recognize in your photos.

  8. Sorry to hear about your cat. Your garden is amazing! The roses are gorgeous! I can't stop watching these pictures.

  9. I discovered your site a few months ago and enjoy the splendid garden photos. We live on the coast of Northern California and have a country garden. Unfortunately I don't have a blog to share pictures. I hope Jack will do well; we have two cats (Cricket and Henry). Thank you for sharing so much beauty.

  10. Your June garden looks wonderful. I think your colour palette is delightful . Hope Jack soon feels better for his tablets that you don't suffer too many scratches when administering them.


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