Through the Garden Gate July 2024

 Usually June is the best month in the garden but this year I think July has topped it or maybe we have just had more time and better weather to be outside and enjoying it! The first four images are from our front garden.

In the back garden near the grape vine we had agapanthus in pots it is stange how some varieties are happier in the pots instead of the ground. The white ones in the first image used to live in a pot but have really taken to the gravel garden at the front - this year we have had 40 flowers!

The back garden is also looking magnificent with its shades of blue, purple and pink, yellow and orange.

We have been enjoying lots of salad from the garden. The cucumbers have been so plentiful I have had to look and try lots of different ways of using them in recipes!

Thank you for all the good wishes for Jack, the medication he is now on is helping him
 and like us he has been enjoying the garden!

What are the highlights in your garden this month?

It is always wonderful to see other gardens and watch their development during the year. If you want to join in with Through the garden gate each month please let me know in the comments below and I will add your site. 
Sarah x


  1. Your garden is looking really colourful, Sarah. What a lovely photo of Jack, I'm glad his medication is helping him. My blog is here: sorry about the lack of photos

  2. Ah! Bless!x The bestest flower of all is at the bottom
    there...."HaHa! Hello Jack, how ya do'in Bro"
    You look lovely, and a poser to boot...I should know,
    as l'm one to...And you've a lovely flowery garden to
    live in...Hope you'll be 100% soon...!x

    I've managed to keep my garden up together. though my
    biggest job, is keeping my Virginia Creeper under control...
    Back an front...and, with all the rain we've had, it' has a mind
    of it's own...But, l love it, one of the first things l planted, when
    moving in back in 78...
    Everything under control otherwise, daughter, Son~In~Law,
    Nala the dog, will be here tomorrow for the weekend, bit of
    a do on Sunday....Give me a chance to get rid of some 'Roadkill'
    HaHa! Seriously...No Joke..! :).

    1. Hope you have a good weekend. We used to have a Virginia Creeper so know how fast it spreads!

  3. Jack, he is what's most important in your garden and I am thrilled he is feeling better. He deserves to be able to enjoy the beautiful flowers as much as anyone.

    Your salad greens look delicious. Too many summer cucumbers are a blessing.


  4. Definitely the higher rainfall has been the gardeners friend this year. So much to love in your garden. Blue geraniums especially. Those apples look very mature too. Lots of cucumbers here too. Have your tried tsatziki. Not the correct spelling I’m sure but a Greek salad with yogurt, cucumber and mint. Delicious. B x

    1. Thank you for the suggestion yes I made that for the first time a couple of weeks ago. It was lovely and refreshing with a spiced dish, will certainly make it again! Sarah x

  5. July catchup

    Glad to see another happy cat enjoying his garden!

  6. It looks idyllic, Sarah. So much wonderful colour and productive as well.

  7. Nice to hear Jack is better. Your garden is a wonderful place.


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