A Dorset Christmas market

This weekend we went to a Christmas market in the small Dorset town of Shaftesbury.

It is situated on the top of a hill and Gold Hill is famous for one of Britain's favourite advertisements of  Hovis see video here. I wouldn't like to cycle up or down here with it being so steep!

The Christmas market was very popular with lots of local producers selling a wide selection of food and drink and also local handicrafts for sale too and live Christmas music. We bought a bunch of mistletoe which we were told had come from the apple orchards in the neighbouring county of Somerset. 

We also met a giant! 

 My parents first home together was in Shaftesbury where my brother was born, the cottage they rented was called "Forty Winks" unfortunately it was knocked down before we returned to live in Dorset, but there are still so many other pretty cottages to walk past.

Welcome to my new followers  ERickett 124 ,and Joy(if either of you have a link please let me know),  and A passion for Vintage Textiles,  thank you so much for joining me.

Sarah x


  1. These houses look like in a fairy tale! I would not like to cycle up there either! Thanks for reminding me to get one of those mistletoes! Christa

  2. What a beautiful little town - so different from what we have up here. Juliex

  3. Hello Sarah
    I haven't been to Shaftsbury for years (I don't expect it has changed much) so pretty, the market sounds great...and what a lovely name for a cottage Forty Winks!
    Have a lovely festive week
    Thea x

  4. OHH Sarah what a nice little town I love that way of houses. Beautiful picture's have a nice week Sarah. Greetings Petra.

  5. Looks like a traditional Christmas card - beautiful!

  6. What a lovely little town. I love those old houses.
    Merry Christmas.

  7. so pretty! what a gorgeous town.

  8. Shaftesbury is one of those places I have wanted to visit ever since that Hovis advert - would love to cycle down the hill though.

  9. Shaftesbury is such a lovely town. Visited many years ago and would like to return one day.
    Patricia x

  10. I adore Shaftsbury but since my parents moved away from Wiltshire and all my ancient Somerset relatives died I rarely get back to your part of the world. Gold Hill always reminds me of STeep Hill in Lincoln. There on icy mornings a policeman or two would once have been on duty, deployed solely to catch pedestrians who slipped, I wonder if Gold Hill had the same!

  11. Hi Sarah,
    that must be a beautiful trip. The little town looks so pretty and romantic. I love this small cottages and their charme.
    Have a great day!

  12. Hello, how lucky you are to live where you do, its such a beautiful county. I'm in Wiltshire, by choice, which is also beautiful. I would love to live nearer the coast, but my other half is from Plymouth and prefers not to be on or too near the coast. You can read my blog "Welcome to Daisy Row" here http://joyknitt.blogspot.co.uk Joy xx

  13. Liebe kleine Meerjungfrau,
    wie kommt man nur den Hang hoch,wenn Schnee und Eis liegen?
    Als ich die Bilder sah musste ich unweigerlich an Charles Dickens denken, die niedlichen, alten HƤuser, als wƤre die Zeit ein wenig stehen geblieben und dann der MaronenhƤndler....Chestnuts roasted on an open fire, Jack Frost snipping at your nose....Mit Schnee in der DƤmmerung wƤre es wie im Bilderbuch.Sehr schƶne EindrĆ¼cke, vielen Dank dafĆ¼r!

    Alles Liebe wĆ¼nscht dir Babsi

  14. The cottages are lovely. I adore Christmas markets, there is always so much interesting stuff to get you in the Christmas mood. Those cakes look yummy xxx

  15. Gold's Hill looks lovely! I must try to get there on my next trip over. And to be there at Christmas market would be wonderful! Thanks for the photos.

  16. Oh Sarah, this is charm par excellence! These photos are so popular, but here YOU ARE and with a story to tell! Absolutely magnificent. Anita

  17. I adored those houses and I seem to remember that image of the hill as you say, from my TV youth! Love your part of the world and every time I visit you here I want to see the real thing! Thank you for connecting this year and have a wonderful happy Christmas season, Catherine.

  18. Knock, knock
    Cooeee - just popping round for a mince pie and anything else that might be on offer! Shut the door it is ruddy cold!
    Lovely photos - I had no idea that advert was filmed there - I had always assumed that it was further north somewhere. Best wishes to you and yours

  19. What a beautiful little town! I added it on my list which would love to visit someday.
    Have a blissful day!

  20. What a beautiful village ,Sarah.
    And a wonderful name for a cottage 'Forty winks' love it! It all looks like my kind of day out too.Hope you are keeping safe and calm in this busy lead up to Christmas...
    Love Maria x

  21. What a pretty place, I haven't managed any Christmas markets this year - I usually love them!

  22. What a great workout it must be to go up and down that very steep road, but it's beautiful. "Fory winks" is a wonderful name for a cottage, it made me laugh.

  23. I love seeing your pictures around Dorset...a county I love and would happily move to! Shaftesbury is a village I haven't visited but have been meaning to for a while x

  24. So pretty and it looks like a lovely Christmas market!

  25. It looks like a lovely little village! And I envy you the Christmas market. It must be fun browsing through the stalls looking for "just the right" item. Did you buy anything?

  26. Dearest Sarah,
    The quaintest village ever. Its beautiful..how I would love to walk around and see all those cute cottages..
    Its a busy time now for me. Family arriving in a few days.
    I wish you a very Happy Christmas Sarah.. thank you for following me and always reading and commenting on my posts.
    until 2013.. with more stories to tell..
    Stay well
    val xxx

  27. What fun! We almost booked a holiday cottage on that hill when the smallest was really small, but the thought of 'that' hill and a buggy brought us to our senses.

    Nina x

  28. I LOVE the photos of the houses on the hill!

  29. Good Morning Sarah, I love these little countries English, preferably with the typical markets. I wish you a merry Christmas to spend with a lot of calm and serenity. Kisses from Rome, Francesca

  30. Cute pretty cottages - these little villages always look Christmassy and I am often intrigued by the names people call them. I like the ones clustered around the grass down the centre I wonder if they get to cut it in turn!


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