Walk by the sea or Brad Pitt?

A week ago last Friday we had the day off and were planning a day out in Lyme Regis when we heard on the local radio that Brad Pitt was on location on a beach on Dorset, filming for his latest film, World War Z. It was a close call, but I'm afraid Lyme Regis still won the day!

I love the colours of these houses along the seafront, some of them are holiday cottages with amazing views over the sea.

I have taken you here before and the Cobb (harbour) was looking peaceful in the November sunshine.

The gardens were landscaped a few years ago and are magnificent at any time of year. We always have to walk through them and admire the views.

Looking back from the beach you can see the gardens in the background and the row of candy coloured beach huts in the foreground.

John and Daisy waited for me when I went to look at  the antique and collectables centre. Luckily no one came by and wanted to buy her!

Daisy was a bit wary of those cats before she decided it was safe to have a drink! As a child I would zoom into these collecting tins if I saw them in the street and give them my pennies.

There are some lovely unique shops in Lyme Regis and the second hand bookshop is always one of my favourite shops. I could spend all day in here!

Another of my favourite shops is "Ginger Beer", I love the driftwood Christmas trees and must try to make one sometime. We finished the morning off to a visit to the pub, with a drink and snack.

brad-pitt-hot-cute-photoAnd what of Brad Pitt - well he didn't film on the day we went to Lyme Regis they were still setting up.We didn't get over to Lulworth Cove over the weekend, as it was so bitterly cold and wet, so if you want to read more about his filming in Dorset see here,

I seem to be a week behind with my posts at the moment, sorry, hopefully I will start to catch up soon!

Thank you for all the comments from my previous post. The picture of Twinkle in the tree was very popular!
Welcome to new followers Gardeningbren, Mister D,  (if you have blogs please let me know) and Tammy from Coffee with Tams . Thank you for joining me.

Sarah x


  1. Dear Sarah - it all looks so calm and peaceful, you would not credit that we have all that downpour of rain. Things change so quickly in this country, but at the moment I am loving the blue skies and sunshine. Good job you decided to go to Lyme Regis.

  2. Hello Sarah, what a nice pictures, I like the houses with seaside I can spent my holiday overthere I love the sea very much. The moring sunrise is want of my favorite time of the day. Have a nice week, and a happy advent voor the first sundagadvent.
    Greetings Petra.

  3. Your day at Lyme sounds lovely. I have never been there myself, but I can remember it from TV serials and films like A French lieutenants woman and Northanger Abbey. Your dog looks very sweet!

    Have a lovely new week!

    Madelief x

  4. It looks so quaint, what a pretty place! :)

  5. Sounds like you had a lovely day Sarah and your photos are great. I like the look of that shop too.
    Patricia x

  6. I love the driftwood Christmas tree, what a great idea. I think you made the right choice about where to walk - it is so pretty and must be hard to resist with such lovely shops too. Juliex

  7. Your photos are amazing and make me mad! I would so much to walk there and see it with my own eyes... Daisy is a lovely dog - I am sure she is a good and funny friend! Christa

  8. I love Lyme Regis too! I agree the bookshop is a magnet! I too could spend hours there.

  9. Hi Sarah,
    Very Tempting thinking Brad was so close filming :)
    But your day looks fab too!
    I remember those charity collections out side of shops especially the blind dog one, I used pop a few pennies into them too! We share a love of book shops and I would have loved a mooch in this one!
    love Maria x

  10. What beautiful cottages on the sea front there at Lyme Regis Sarah.. I would'nt mind to spend a few days there. You have posted before about Lyme Regis.. I think it was about the sea wall at the front of the harbour..where the French luitenants woman was filmed.! It really looks a beautifu l place. Daisy looked very perplexed with the little kitties looking on.
    sounds as though you had a good day. sorry that you couldnt have seen Brad Pitt.!
    Super photos.
    Thank you Sarah.. very enjoyable.
    val xx

  11. Thank you for your kind welcome. I changed the profile so a link can be found now. Thanks for mentioning this as I had no idea one couldn't link to my blog.

    Loved the driftwood tree!

  12. What a beautiful vieuw, looking back from the beach to the coast. Lovely colours. Cute dog. So many amazing palces still to be visited. Groetjes, Gerda

  13. It looks like a perfect day out. The splashes of turquoise in the first photo are beautiful. Those film stars are so unreliable - good job you chose Lyme Regis xo

  14. Like being back on holiday, has to be my favourite south coast resort, although it looks very quiet since we were last there, are both fish and chip shops still open? I think the guy who sells them in the blue box said he was going to stay open

    1. Herbies was definitely open when we walked by.
      Sarah x

  15. I would have chosen Lyme Regis over Brad Pitt too. And I love the picture of Daisy looking at the cats. If Daisy is anything like Fergus it was probably a really good idea to not take her into the antique shop! :-)

  16. Darling Sarah! WHAT A HOLIDAY OF GORGEOUS BEAUTY! And I am not speaking of Mr. Pitt,though I admire his acting!

    SWEET DAISY...how are you little one?

    Sarah, that cottage donned in aqua shutters, my dear, do I have permission to PIN that photo? Are you familiar with Pinterest? Do let me know. If I do, it will go on my Pin board, but will also float around the internet. Do let me know. It is such a beautiful place! Anita

    1. Hi Anita,
      I have security set up to stop pinning but I do have pin interest account so I have added the picture to that and joined you as one of your followers. If you can't find me please let me know.
      Sarah x

  17. I would've chosen the walk too over Brad Pitt. I'd love to have a good rummage through that second hand bookshop and the other shop looks nice too. I think we used to have glasses like those outside the shop.

  18. At first photo of that beautiful stree is my favorite and the wildflowers photo is gorgeous. Grea shots.

  19. I wouldn't have chosen between Brad and the walk I would have asked Brad to go on the walk with me!
    Gorgeous photos as per usual - I love the one of your dog with the three cats - I wonder what she was thinking?
    So many gorgeous things to buy in the shops but I have to keep saying no to myself as we really do need to off load a lot of our stuff.

    1. I didn't think of that option of taking him on the walk too! I usually won't buy anything unless I am getting rid of something else. it doesn't stop me window shopping and admiring from a distance!
      Sarah x

  20. Hi Sarah,

    Your walk looks beautiful and give me this gorgeous scenery any day, to Brad Pitt.
    I love the soft pink houses and they get the best view. Daisy is so adorable and this is a sweet photo of her.

    Happy week

  21. Hallo kleine Meerjungfrau

    das sind wieder schƶne Bilder von der KĆ¼ste, dafĆ¼r hƤtte ich Brad Pitt auch sausen lassen. Wer ist schon Brad Pitt? Seine Bilder in der Chanel Werbung finde ich schrecklich!
    Die kleinen seaside cottages dagegen sind bezaubernd. Ich sollte auch mal wieder Urlaub an Englands KĆ¼ste machen!

    Alles Liebe wĆ¼nscht dir die Babsi

  22. A good choice! And those gardens look superb

  23. I think I may have said this before, but the Dorset coast in winter is perfect ... who needs Brad Pitt when you have Lyme Regis et al!

  24. What a lovely day you had in Lyme Regis. Your photographs are always wonderful and draw us in as if we were there ourselves.... I think we need to add this to a place to visit in the Summer. Jo x

  25. I would of said Brad Pitt, but it looks like you made the right call. We have so many different things filmed down here on our main beach and I always end up missing them...hey ho, one day.

    Nina x

  26. Great post! I love Lyme Regis. But it's so steep! Last time I visited was a scorching hot day so we didn't go looking for fossils on the beach (and no, I'm not calling Brad Pitt a fossil, even as Benjamin Button!)
    Looks like autumn is a much better time to visit.
    Best wishes :)

  27. As always, I just love the photos. We don't beach huts like those in your photo, here. They are so charming. I want that driftwood piece in the last photo. Oh, and I might add that I am drinking Ginger Beer as I read this! xok

  28. I so miss the English countryside and you make it worse, but thank you!
