Watching the sunrise over the sea

As when the golden sun gilts the morn,
And having gilt the ocean with it's beams,
Gallops the zodiac in it's glistening coach,
And over looks the highest peering hills.
 William ShakespeareTitus Andronicus

I love watching the sunrise and sunset and we had some amazing red skies last week.  I find it such a fantastic way to start the day!

The colours change so rapidly from blood red to orange to pink and purple and then blue and no one sunrise is ever the same. It makes me feel so alive!

A local fisherman already at work

At 7.30 in the morning there were still few people around, two men quickly got out of their cars and took photographs. Another woman was sitting on one of the benches watching the sun and  after it had risen she went on her way, we smiled at each other, although we were too far away to talk.

I carried on my journey into town, but the colour of the sky was still continually changing.

I had to stop again to take more photographs to capture those fantastic views and colours.

The frost on the roofs of the beach huts reminded me that it was actually quite cold and a coffee would be welcome!

Sarah x


  1. simply beautiful Sarah,

    How many times at sea sailing, have i been on my watch and seen the sunrise. At sea its amazing.
    love your photos.
    You were up early. The weather doesnt look so bad.

  2. Wow ... spectacular!

  3. A perfect start to the day. Juliex

  4. Such beautiful photos. There is something so comforting watching the sun rise; I think its something to do with the knowledge that no matter how horrible the day was before, here before you is a brand new untouched day x

  5. I can see that this must be an inspiring way to start your day - the photographs are inspiring too!

  6. Just stunning Sarah..such beauty "Mother Nature" at her best
    Winter Wishes
    Thea x

  7. You are living in heaven, Sarah and you are one of those humans who knows! Great shots! Christa

  8. Your photos are beautiful...I love being up and about early in the day especially when there are rewards like this!

  9. just gorgeous and breathtaking.... something magical about the sunsets and sunrises....
    have a lovely day
    Bec x

  10. I loved this early morning promenade with you, what a great way to begin the day.

  11. gorgeous shots! such a beautiful time of day.

  12. Really impreeing skies, beautiful. Groetjes, Gerda

  13. Absolutely stunning. They are my sort of photos and so awe inspiring.
    Patricia x

  14. Absolutely gorgeous. The pictures make me feel relaxed just by looking at them.

  15. These colors are sensational. How wonderful for you to be so close to the sea and witness such grandeur. I go to bed late (always close to 1 am) so I rarely see the sun rise, the sunset yes, but we have too many trees around us. Your photos leave me speechless by their beauty.

  16. Thank you for these visions of a truly glorious sunrise. The third photo is my particular favorite; also the one capturing the textures of the sand, pebbles, and water...

  17. Stunning skies there! Just beautiful, nature is really amazing isn't it! :)

  18. I very rarely get the chance to see the sun rise but one of the few times I did was a couple of years ago and I was high up in the sky on a return flight to England and you're right the colours change at an amazing speed, you look away for one second and you've missed it. I think you captured the magic of the moment very well.

  19. Beautiful images. Nature puts on some wonderful displays at times! xx

  20. Meine liebe, kleine Meerjungfrau,

    was hast du uns ein schƶnes Geschenk mit diesen fantastischen Fotos gemacht. Wunderschƶn!Bezaubernd! Und so schƶn passend zum heutigen 6. Dezember, dem Nikolaustag, denn der heilige Nikolaus war ein Seemann. In dem Pavillon wĆ¼rde ich an einem solchen Morgen auch gerne mit dir sitzen, bei einer guten Tasse Tee und dieses Wunder genieƟen und innehalten.
    AuƟerdem sollten wir mal an dieser Stelle allen Seeleuten danken, die bei Wind und Wetter auslaufen um uns die SchƤtze des Meeres an Land holen. Heute ist der Tag ihres Schutzpatrons!
    Ich liebe deine Bilder und freue mich jedes Mal, wenn du wieder gepostet hast.

    Einen schƶnen Nikolaustag und alles Liebe wĆ¼nscht dir die Babsi

  21. Again, your photos are beautiful - what joy they bring to the soul! And how warm the sunrise looks, with all those pinks and oranges, even on an icy day!

  22. Spectacular photos Sarah, you should get them printed and framed, you'd make a fortune!

  23. Oh Sarah, this is so peaceful.....thank you ! Anita

  24. Wonderful images and they have brought joy to my heart:~))

  25. super group of landscape pictures just my cup of tea

  26. Dear Sarah,

    The colours of the sky look amazing! Wish we had views like yours here. It must be a joy to live so close to the sea.

    Wish you a lovely Sunday!

    Madelief x

  27. Your photos are just wonderful. We are always out on the beach for sunrise, but it is off to the east as we walk on the beach and nothing spectacular like yours.

  28. stunning photos - how lovely to be out so early , starting the day like that is amazing!

  29. Hi dear Sarah,
    really gorgeous photos - they are amazing!
    Of course you can take part at my giveaway, I'm happy you join it.
    Many warm greetings

  30. Beautiful pictures. HOw I wish I lived next to the water!! You are lucky. I think to be able to take a walk like this in the morning really sets the pace for a great day!!

  31. Just divine. When we travel, we make a point of seeing at least one sunset whilst sitting at a cafe or by the water or in a park, rather than continuing to walk to the next destination etc. I also try to see a sunrise when we travel, even if it's just from the hotel room. Such beautiful moments, although I find myself looking at different things now that my eyes get sore from bright light exposure. Still my experiences of them are beautiful and precious. (ps we also love NYC and London)

  32. I must have missed this post before.
    Gorgeous pictures! Amazing skies!

  33. The photo of the building with the lacy ironwork makes my heart sing.


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