Stepping into the garden in April

Would you like to join Twinkle for a walk around the garden?

The greatest transformation in our garden is in April when all the herbaceous plants reappear and grow so rapidly and the borders are once again looking full!

Euphorbia wulfenii

I love all the different shades of green at this time of year and everything looks so fresh and new!

Forget me nots, bluebells and pulmonia

                                  Each new day there are new flowers to welcome and admire!

I bought this tulip above from Wilkinsons back in the autumn and have lost it's name! The flowers are so full and remind me of peony flowers. This is  definitely my favourite tulip in the garden this year!

The purple osteospermum has managed to survive the wet winter and goes so well with the purple leafed heuchera.

April also brings April showers and lawn is covered in petals from the blossom that has gently floated to the ground. 

Abbotsbury Gardens
We also managed to visit Abbotsbury sub-tropical gardens this weekend. Regular readers will know that we bought a seasonal ticket to visit here. There is always something different to see. The colours of the azaleas and Rhododendrons were so bright.

Elsewhere the colours were more muted but just as gorgeous!

And those bluebells are never far away!

As usual I took too many pictures, I think Daisy was begininng to get a bit fed up, don't you?

Wishing you a good week ahead.
Sarah x


  1. Your garden is looking lovely - like you I love this time of year in the garden with all the borders bursting into green. A post full of delights.

  2. Hello Sarah:

    Your garden is looking wonderful. Such a promising time of year with everything starting into growth. We have always preferred it to full summer when one can feel overpowered.

  3. I have to confess l'm 'NOT' a gardener....
    Once again it's a problem of mine, like
    the reading of books, no patience.....!
    BUT! One programme l never miss is
    Monty Don..On Gardeners World......
    I love it, to watch things week by week,
    grow into such splendid things plants!

    Though earlier in the year someone gave
    some tulip bulbs...Put them in pots, and
    hey presto, up they came....On there way
    out now!
    And, my most loved plants...Hostas...!
    I do very carefully tend to those....Check them
    through twice a day,,,Make sure there happy...
    Well l like them....HeHe!

    1. I wonder whether they were pink tulips! We love hostas too by the slugs and snails love them more! Sarah x

  4. Hi Sarah, this is the first picture that I see from your garden. Beautiful!
    After lots of weeks we had rain on sunday and this week it will rain again. Everything was yellow from the dust from the plants, it was horrible and my Allergie was bad.
    Now I can clean the windows and you can see overnight that the garden is bursted. Every plant was waiting for water.
    I wish you a happy time in your beautiful garden!


  5. Lovely photos, Sarah. I agree, gardens are lovely just now. Is Abbotsbury where the swannery is? We visited a couple of years ago with a friend who lives in Lyme.

    1. Yes Abbotsbury is always where the Swannery is but they are about a mile apart. They belong to the same company so you can get a combined ticket for both. Saah x

  6. Love seeing your photos of the gardens, yours and at Abbotsbury.

  7. You have such a pretty garden, it must be a joy to spend time in it.

  8. Yep... dogs just don't get the photography thing do they! Loving your abundant garden... Smiles Cass x

  9. Wow your garden is amazing, so much colour and your grass is so green compared to ours.

  10. Your garden looks lovely ... ours is still a mess of green and brown and broken fencing after the winter storms!
    Haven't been to Abbotsbury for ages ... must visit again.
    I still can't reply to your comments on my blog. Send me your email and then I can add you to my contacts and reply that way ...
    M x

    1. Have just sent you an email! Our garden had lots of broken fences too which took ages to sort out especially when there was a national shortage of fence panels for a few weeks! Sarah x

  11. Great to see some blooming! We are still so far from that.

  12. DAISY BABY! teehehehee....she does look a bit miffed at the fact that she has some walking to do! Sarah, what a GORGEOUS garden you have! We are so behind here, it is husband is very "upset" about the fact that it looks as if we may only have 3 months of warmth, at best....but I have hope! We are finally getting rain instead of snow, so that's a good start. Your garden is so fresh with that lovely NEON green that is so fresh and new. ENJOY YOUR GARDEN TODAY! Anita

    1. It must be hard to only have 3 months of warmth. It may not often be in the top 20's centigrade but even a bit of sun and warmth is always welcome. Sarah x

  13. Good Morning Sarah,
    I just love the photos of your sweet Twinkle and Daisy : )
    Your garden is so beautiful. Love the colors of the purples against the greens, very pretty. Those blue bells are so pretty the are like our poppies here in California, Spring time you can see them wild on the hills and road ways too. That tulip is amazing. Anything described as peony has to be beautiful.
    The more I see rhododendrons, the more I like them. I have a spot that needs a shrub and that may be the one or a small camellia bush.
    thank you for sharing your garden. Have a beautiful day.
    Bobbie Lynn

  14. Your garden is looking beautiful Sarah, thanks for sharing with us! xx

  15. Oh how beautiful Sarah! We won't see any blooms (other than snowdrops & crocus) for another few weeks. Thank you for the breath of Spring!

  16. That osteospermum must be in the perfect spot! Your garden is looking lovely Sarah, Abbotsbury too. Poor Daisy, all that stopping and starting!

  17. You have such a beautiful garden, Sarah! It must take a lot of planning and work to keep it so nice. I think Daisy was just upset that you weren't taking more pictures of her. :-)

    1. Daisy hates having her photo taken the best pictures are when I zoom in and she doesn't realise I am taking them! Sarah x

  18. Your garden is lovely! And Daisy charming as ever. Is Abbotsbury Gardens very far from you? How nice that you can go often enough to justify a seasonal ticket. I can never get used to seeing tropical plants in England! I ordered 80 English Bluebell bulbs after your last post. They will be sent in the Autumn when it's time to plant them.

    1. Abbotsbury Gardens are 11km (17 miles) away from us. How lovely I inspired you to order some bluebells I will look forward to seeing some pictures of them from you next year then! Sarah x

  19. Your garden is so beautiful, Sarah. I love all the purples, pinks and blues. The grass is very green and healthy too. I really like your table and chairs. Hey, I like it all. :)

  20. Thank you for a lovely walk, it's great to see your beautiful garden. I think spring is my favourite garden time. Right now it's in full green leaf, the trees look great and a Blackbird is singing as I type. Good to see Abbotsbury again at a different time of year.

  21. Your gardens and surroundings are beautiful. I do think Daisy was annoyed! My Bella gets annoyed if I am on my iphone too much! Ha ha they are too smart. Enjoy your spring.

  22. Oh my goodness. What a beautiful walk around your garden. Many of these plants and flowers I have never seen. I wish I had the talent and the desire to create this kind of beauty. The garden of Eden must have been some more kind of beautiful because God has surely shown us how much he enjoys beauty by giving us gardens.

  23. Sarah - Thank Twinkle for taking us along in your beautiful garden - it is absolutely gorgeous. That tulip is magnificent, I've never seen one like that. I'm so glad you got a pass, I can't wait to see what is blooming on your next visit. Best, Kim

  24. Your garden is absolutely stunning Sarah. I love how the garden changes so much at this time.

  25. What a dreamy garden! I love the sitting area overlooking the lush green and all those nice blossoms! I suppose that you don't miss the chance to spent time there! A hug to Daisy!

  26. Dear Sarah,
    Your garden is like a piece of heaven... It is just beautiful! What an enjoyable trip to Abbotsbury also.. Thank you for taking me along. Yes, Daisy looks a bit put out... She is such a doll...

  27. Beautiful photo's of your garden and Abbotsbury Sarah! I like the Euphorbia on your photo's. It's huge. I thought it looked a bit like a hydrangea Annebelle at first :-) I see we have lots of similar plants too.

    Your walk through the bluebell wood looks enchanting. I wish we had them in Holland!!

    Happy week!

    Madelief x

  28. Daisy has such a sweet look on her face. You've reminded me that we MUST get to Abbotsbury soon! Thank you for the reminder. your garden seems to be much further forward than mine too. My osteospermums are only just coming up.

  29. Your garden is absolutely lovely, it really is. I love this time of year as well, suddenly there's all of this acid green everywhere. Wonderful. That tulip is sensational, I thought it was a rose when I saw it! Hope you have a good week Sarah.

  30. Dear Sarah,

    Thank you for showing us around your gorgeous garden - the tulip, bluebells and forget-me-nots are lovely.
    Daisy must be happy going on outings with you - love the field of bluebells.
    Happy week

  31. It's always amazing to see how fast a garden changes in Spring isn't it? Your garden looks wonderful, as does the subtropical garden. I love the Bluebells as well. So magical.
    You asked about the program I used to edit the photos in my last post: I used Photoscape, a free photo editing program you can get from the internet and really easy to use, nothing too complicated.

  32. Your garden is beautiful, my peonies are popping here too, I just love this time of year :) x

  33. Ah yes - gardens in Spring are just wonderful. I bought the very same tulips bulbs from Wilkinsons - I bought lots and lots when they were end of season reduced and they have proven to be the most excellent of purchases: I have had flowers since February all for a tenner. The pink tulip was a peony-type - did you also buy the ones that changed colour three times? I took a series of photographs - from white to green to light pink and then dark pink. They were fantastic!

    I love Spring - it makes me feel Springy!

    Best wishes

    1. It sounds as it we both bought the same tulips at reduced prices. Mine too are just as you described! Sarah x

  34. May I use the photo of the bluebells in the woods as an inspiration in teaching my 3 granddaughters, ages 6, 8, and 9, perspective in our art class? We homeschool and many times I see something I could use when I browse the internet/blogs.

    Myra, from Winnipeg, Canada, where our spring looks like snow barely melted, rivers nearly at flood stage, and dust laden air as the street cleaning machines work on clearing away the salt and sand from the winter.

    1. Hi Myra, I for am very happy for you to use this photo in your home schooling. Thank you for asking! I hope that spring reaches you soon! Sarah x

  35. ooh my, Sarah...A walk with Twinkle was just what i more ways than one!!
    I too love this time of year..
    I've said it before and I will say it again..
    I only have a small court yard here at home..Soo it's a delight to always take a peek into your little corner here on blog land..Beautiful! thank you, Twinkle..
    With hugs Maria x

  36. Your garden is looking fabulous Sarah, I thought the tulip was a rose before I read on, it's gorgeous! But there's nothing prettier than a bluebell wood, lovely photo.

  37. How beautiful your garden grows...Sarah
    It is such a beautiful time of year with so much anticipation.. I can almost hear my garden growing
    Thea xx

  38. Although I am not a gardener, I really admire lovely gardens...yours is beautiful. Daisy just wants you to take more photos of her :)

  39. Very envious Sarah - it looks fabulous!

  40. I've enjoyed the wander around your garden and the look at Abbotsbury, too. I love the photo of Daisy. Now my dog Harry is older he has learned to be patient when he sees the camera. He just sits down with a resigned air!

  41. Your garden looks beautiful Sarah. I think April is a lovely time of year in the garden, as everything starts to grow and it all looks so green and fresh

  42. What a lovely garden to enjoy :)

  43. Hey Sarah,
    What a beautiful garden. I would love borders like that. Mine are still 'in development.'
    Leanne xx

  44. Oh my goodness, your first photo stopped me in my tracks. What a beautiful scene, the light, the garden, the inviting chair and the strolling Twinkle! (love that you noticed my themes I seek out when we travel, must always pat dogs!) x

  45. Hello Sarah your garden is very pretty and colorful.. Love it. Daisy is such a sweet doggie. I love him too. VBG Thanks for sharing all the gardens photos. Hugs Judy

  46. It's been such a lovely spring this year, with plants and trees surging into life. If only every year could be like this (without the storms, of course!). Abbotsbury looks like a garden to return to again and again, so much to see. Wish there was something like that round here, although I have the Heath to look at! Your garden is full of inspiration - I've made a note of several plants that I either need to move or to introduce into the gardens here!

  47. Lovely post Sarah and your garden is enchanting and so colourful.
    Patricia x

  48. Wow what a beautiful garden, Daisy is just too cute!

  49. stunning garden! Daisy is adorable ā™„


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