A walk along the beach

Over the bank holiday weekend we did get some sun and we were down on the beach early enough to beat the crowds....

The local gig club were out training......

Can't we try and outrun the boat along the beach?

 Run faster .........

 I need to have a dip in the sea to cool off......

What shall we do now?

Let's play catch the seed weed ......

 Or make footprints and pawprints in the sand.... 

Just keep away from the jellyfish.

 Look what I've found now !

As we walk back along the beach we always pick up any rubbish we see despite some strange looks! The haul this time included a Russia juice container, polystyrene, a coke can and the stick Tavi found!

Maybe next time you are visiting a beach you can also find two minutes to join Martin Dorey's two minute beach clean. Each piece picked up will reduce the damage being done to the marine environment see video here. This campaign has reached every continent in the world through the help of twitter and instagram. 

Hope you enjoyed some fresh air this weekend too. Until next time.
Thank you for your comments especially the eight I have just accidentally just deleted on my kindle! It's good to read so many others  readers pick up rubbish from the beach too.



  1. So pleased to hear you do a beach clean every time. It's on my list but I never go to the beach, haha! I'll be on the coast for a weekend in October though and '2 minute beach clean' is on my to do list for that weekend. Lovely photos as always.

  2. A wee doggie is loving it! We have a few people that regularly clean rubbish off our beach, they are quite well known in the town and they do a great job!

  3. Going down to the beach either early or late in the day is definitely the best time..it's great to have the space to yourself! Our main problem at the moment is drinks cans and plastic bottles , but as you say a two minute clean each time you visit the beach makes a difference. You were lucky to have sun... A very grey bank holiday in this part of the world! B x

  4. looks like a gorgeous walk, I love going to beaches when they're quiet and you've got them to yourself. Very good point about cleaning up the rubbish

  5. We pick up trash, including the dog leavings that owners ignore, all the time. We figure it is our beach so we must keep it clean.

  6. What a very good idea, to pick up the litter from the sand. I will do it also, when I'm next time there.


  7. Doing a beach clean is a really good thing to do, I hate to see rubbish on beaches. I'm so looking forward to the end of September when we will be on holiday in North Cornwall. Then I will be able to have plenty of walks along the lovely beaches there and I might just pick some rubbish up too if I see any :)

  8. Such a good idea if everybody helps to keep the beach clean by just a few minutes picking up rubbish. Tavi had a good time again, I love that active little one not afraid to be dirty.

    1. I think Tavi always heads towards the dirt. Unlike our other dogs he thinks a bath is great! Sarah x

  9. What a gorgeous walk ā€“ Tavi certainly looks as though he enjoyed it. I agree about beach combing ā€“ there are quite a few people here who do it and it's important to do our bit. It amazes me what gets washed up. Mostly plastic. Lovely photos (as always.) Sam x

  10. I automatically pick up beach rubbish if I have free hands but I hadn't realised there was an organised campaign - what a good idea. Lovely to see a photo of you too! Juliex

  11. Tavi is a cutie! So nice that you take the time to pick up any rubbish you come across too, we too try and do this when we visit my parents along the Norfolk coast, if everyone did then our beaches would be a much cleaner place :-) x

  12. The beach cleanup idea is good. "Many hands make light work" they say. Maybe the local Council could provide a skip at the beach entrance so that beachgoers could deposit there the bits of rubbish they find on the beach. It's like recycling - people will do it if you make it easy for them to do it.

    1. We do have lots of bins close to the shore and they do seem to be regularly emptied too. Sarah x

  13. It looks as though Tavi had a really great time! He is obviously a beach lover. Great to pick up things that drift in like that, if everyone did a bit I am sure there would be less rubbish! xx

  14. Oh my goodness, that cliff is beautiful! So tall and towering! Where is that?!?! Is that where you live?!x

    1. The cliff is at West bay near Bridport in Dorset and is where we live. It's the same cliffs as shown in my header. Sarah x

  15. Lovely early morning pictures it looks wonderful. Love the picture of Tavi with the stick he looks so happy and wet!

  16. Such lovely photo's Sarah ... and it's not only the beach where it helps to pick up un-wanted rubbish.
    I'm afraid too many have the habit of just tossing or dropping un-wanted litter on the ground. Why can't they just take it home or put it in a bin !!!

    Beautiful photo's, thank you for sharing.

    Many Happy September Wishes

    All the best Jan

  17. Thank you for this delightful post. Feeling the blues this morning and now I'm running along the beach with Tavi! Great pics.

  18. Dear Sarah - it seems perfectly clear that little Tavi has you both under his thumb or should I say his paw - it is understandable though as he is such a cutie.

    1. He does have us under his paw! We usually take his ball on the beach as we had left it at home it didn't take him long to find something else to play with ! Sarah x

  19. Lovely photos! I also always pick up litter whenever I spot some lying around in nature, in a park or sometimes even on the street despite the looks.

  20. I would love to have a beach nearby where I could pick up trash! I'd be looking for sea glass, too. Tavi certainly had fun. It's it funny that Westies who are known for chasing after rodents should look like one when they're wet!

  21. Beautiful photos. Tavi is so sweet! Great idea re picking up litter. M was reading about the amount of plastic in our oceans yesterday and how it's got inside many marine creatures. Glad seeds arrived ok xx

  22. SARAH and TAVI! Good morning, you two! Good dog Tavi, helping the community! Oh I see some people around my community picking up any trash in the parks or gardens, and it's a grand idea. This is our HOME! And what a gorgeous beach. Tavi, you are in your element, and mine.

    Lovely photos, Sarah!

  23. Lovely photo's of the seaside Sarah. You are so fortunate to be able to walk to the beach from your doorstep!

    Have a lovely evening!

    Madelief x

  24. Love your photos, Sarah! The beach is my favourite place! I'm sorry we didn't get to meet up when I was in Weymouth, I'm not back down your way this year. Maybe next year, if I'm in Weymouth.

  25. It looks like a beautiful area of the country. What a lovely walk. Last time we were at a beach I was shocked at the amount of rubbish there and the scary bits of plastic and coke cans. Great idea for promoting picking up litter. Enjoy your week Leah xxx

  26. What a great idea to have a two minute beach clean! Westies look so funny when they are wet. It looks like Tavi enjoyed himself!

  27. Lucky Tavi, wish I could run on that pretty beach and go in for a dip. Wouldn't mind helping with the clean-up, after.

  28. After living so close to the beach I bet it would be hard for you to live far away from the sea. I love your little dog ā€“ he looks so happy and must be such good company.

  29. Tavi looks so happy on the beach. Our village organizes an annual beach clean up. Lovely photos xx

  30. What a beautiful beach...love your pictures from the seaside! Your dog is really a cute and happy one!
    Have a great weekend, take care...


  31. I love it when you take us on your walks on the beach, your photos make me want to join you. Well done for doing your bit of beach cleaning, if only everyone followed your example it would make so much difference to the marine life. xx

  32. Looks like a fun day. :o) Mother Earth thanks you! My husband is an avid trash collector when we're out in the woods, etc. We always bring something back that should have been recycled.

  33. I love seeing your beach excursions and seeing how different various beaches are around the world. Yet they all seem to have that same trait of relaxation-inducing sounds and smells!


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