Down in Devon

  We have just returned from a wonderful week's holiday in Dartmoor in Devon. It is one of our favourite places to visit. The scenery is wild and beautiful, walking across the moors you are treated to some amazing scenery - weather permitting! We spent several days just walking on the moors.

Which way now?

Merrivale stones

The presence of autumn could be seen all around us with the bracken turning colour. 

 We also spotted various types of fungi.

 Most of the sheep, cattle and ponies on Dartmoor are free to roam. You often find them standing at the top of the Tors. On our walks we came across many Dartmoor foals that were born earlier in the year.

We stayed just outside of Tavistock at a holiday cottage that we have been visiting for many years and has been featured here before. It was our 16th visit, we first visited there 20 years ago and to celebrate this our son joined the three of us, just for the weekend. It was lovely to share memories and create new ones too! Have you returned to somewhere special many times?

One morning the  autumn sunshine filtering through the trees and the mist was just so magical..........

One evening we visited Brent Tor to watch the sun set. A church has existed on the top of the Tor since the 12th century,  Dartmoor is full of legends and there are several different versions of why the church was built here. Unfortunately it was covered in scaffolding so it didn't look as picturesque as it usually does, but the views from 1100 foot above sea level, were breathtaking.

It may look like rabbit's ears poking up but they definitely belong to Tavi!

Next time I will share pictures of the North Coast of Devon, in the meantime I am having a huge pile of ironing and some catching up of blogs to do!
 Wishing you a happy week.
Sarah x


  1. More stunning photos Sarah. I particularly loved the misty morning shots and the last one with Tavi's ears. Wonderful. We are more the sort of people that visit different places each holiday although the lake at Mur de Bretagne in Brittany somehow always seems to draw me back. Your cottage looks wonderful as do the moors. I'd forget the ironing and go for the creased looked. I hear it's the latest fashion statement. :) B

  2. Great photos, I loved seeing Tavi on the rock and last photo is so very beautiful. We have been to Dartmoor in a cottage near Tavistock not so long ago of course also with Snarf. ItĀ“s beautiful there to walk and we also were in the church at Brent Tor. I can quite well imagine you and your family have been there so many times.
    Have a nice week!

  3. Thank you for taking me along to a place I'll never get to visit. It is stunning and I'll have to go back to read about the legend. I love the English countryside.

  4. That looks like a lovely break. I hope you managed to avoid the showers. How odd that you've been in Devon and I passed through West Bay last week!

  5. I am so pleased that you have enjoyed a happy family holiday in beautiful Devon, and what lovely photos you captured of the early morning sunlight and cute Tavi's ears shilhouetted against the evening sky

  6. What beautiful weather you had! Really stunning! So glad you enjoyed it so much. xx

  7. Such lovely photo's, I loved seeing the different fungi, but the stars are those misty scenes - just wonderful.

    Happy washing and ironing!
    Have a good week

    All the best Jan

  8. What a gorgeous location, Sarah, and you took beautiful photos! Love that area!

  9. This looks like a perfect place for a holiday. I must second Barbara's comments about the most stunning photos. We generally stay at a different place each time even when we travel to a familiar destination. But we used to drive to Le Lavandou in the south of France back in the 1990s when the children were young staying some 3 weeks of our 4-week annual holiday at an apartment we rented from a Finnish family living there. Beaches for the kids, excursions for the grown-ups and sunshine for everyone. I do miss that.

  10. So beautiful, stunning! I have a little book where I write down all places you take us to, places I would love to visit in the future...I hope!
    Have a great day.

  11. I've been to that church. We went there on a school trip - my school was in Tiverton. The moors are great when the weather is fine, but can be very grim when it's not!

    1. We have experienced Dartmoor on all weather, I agree it can be extremely bleak and dangerous when the weather is bad. Sarah x

  12. What a beautiful place to visit. I love your misty shots they are gorgeous.

  13. Hi Sarah, it looks beautiful! I love Devon too but don't get to visit as often as I'd like. Those night photographs are simply beautiful, we live in a picturesque country don't we....there's nothing quite like the English countryside. Happy week for you. Ive also just caught up on my ironing, it's the bane of my life!

  14. It sounds like you had a wonderful time - how lovely to all be together at a well-loved place of happy memories. Gorgeous photos. There's a collection of Landmark Trust cottages in Coombe Valley, north Cornwall, and we stayed in most of them when the children were very small. I have happy memories of the rope swing over the stream. Nowadays we tend to travel to different places, although we do try to go to the Lake District every year (but stay in different cottages). Hope you get through your ironing pile quickly! Sam x

  15. OH THOSE FOALS......I could stay on that hillside all day. Sarah, Tavi looks READY to go for another walkie! ENJOY!

  16. I do love your dog - so cute! Devon looks wonderful, although at the opposite end of the country to us, so not a place I know. One day, that needs to be remedied, I think. Lovely photos x

  17. Absolutely wonderful views - what an atmospheric place!
    All the best :)

  18. I agree--stunning photos--and I love Tavi's ears!

  19. The south west is so magical, no wonder so many myths and legends have prevailed. I was in south Devon late last week and was lucky to be given a lift by my brother so I could enjoy the view of the countryside. I think at one point we were not far from you - West Bay? I could cheerfully have lingered a lot longer than we did. Fabulous photos, Sarah, and good luck with the ironing pile. I am, unfortunately, in the same position - five piles! Caro x

  20. Seeing your excellent photos shows me why you keep going back! Your question causes me to ponder...Yosemite National Park in CA is a beautiful spot I have repeatedly visited...but any time I am near an ocean I aim to see it, and always revel in the wonders one sees by the sea.
    Please give Tavi's sweet ears pats from me :) xx

  21. I'm pleased to say that I got through a massive pile of ironing last night. So tonight I am catching up on blogs. We love Devon and Dartmoor is beautiful. Those photos are stunning, Sarah

  22. Looks like you had a lovely time with some beautiful photos, Sarah

  23. Some lovely photos of Dartmoor. I love the views and the autumn light in them. It is a beautiful part of the world. I'm glad you had a good holiday!

  24. Lovely photos, and the scenery at Dartmoor is stunning, especially in someone else has commented, it is the stuff of myths and legends. We recently got together with our whole family for the is a precious time as children grow up and get busy lives. Lovely to have gorgeous Tavi!

  25. Dartmoor is my kind of place - I've never been but I know I'd love it! I enjoyed seeing your photos :)

    1. Sometimes the landscape where you wander reminds me of Dartmoor. Sarah x

  26. Hi Sarah,

    Looks like you had a wonderful holiday and lovely to see your great photos. Always nice to go away to somewhere that you have been happy to have been before.
    Dartmoor looks wonderful and such amazing scenery - really love the one of Tavi with ear sticking up.
    Have a lovely week

  27. Wonderful scenery and marvellous photos. I walked a little of Dartmoor once when I was a girl.

  28. Looks like a fabulous break. It is so special to go back to familiar and well loved places and add to the memories isn't it? My family has been visiting Islay for over 30 years, we don't get there so often any more but it is always special when we do. Juliex

    1. It was lovely to name your daughter after Islay, it must be a special place. Sarah x

  29. Oh my, those pictures make my heart ache. The beauty, and the wildness. Having done several walks in the UK and Ireland in September I can just picture the bracken turning gold, and the sheep and ponies wandering the hills. There is something so special about walking across the moors that it is hard to even find the words to describe it. No wonder your family has returned there so often!

  30. So lovely to see your images of Dartmoor. I've found a beautiful place to visit on the edge of Dartmoor (within the national park) Buckfast Abbey. I'm sure you would love it and I hope to go many times to see the seasons change.

  31. What an amazing place. It's my kind of country and I hope to visit there someday. Thanks for the exquisite photos.


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