Another wander along the Jurassic Coast

After a busy week of admin work, dog walks and Christmas get togethers it was good take a long walk down by the seashore and just enjoy some moments observing the sea. We took a short trip along the coast to Lyme Regis. The waves were crashing onto the shore, sometimes hitting the top of the sea wall before heading back to sea. The sun was trying to do it's best to come out through the clouds.

Following my last post I had a recommendation from Brenda to read Remarkable Creatures by Tracey Chevalier (she is well known for her book Girl with a Pearl Earring)  Remarkable creatures is a novel based on the life of Mary Anning a young girl  who was born in 1779 and discovered many fossils - some of which were the most significant geological finds of all time. I only picked up the book from the library yesterday, and have already been engrossed in reading it. Has anyone else read it? I was obviously aware of Mary Anning and have been meaning to find out more about her for ages, my historical reading has been concentrating on Bridport and West Bay.

As we wandered by the famous Cobb it was easy to see how important it has been for the town. The sea inside the harbour was calm. We enjoyed watching some birds flying into the fishing pots then feeding on something. For a second they all looked like caged birds, until they flew out of the holes designed to catch a much bigger bite!

A series of metal moorings reminded us of giant plugs and a welcome coffee in one of the pubs beside the beach came with a jar of dog biscuits! Tavi was impressed!

There is so many different things to see in Lyme Regis and the gardens overlooking the Cobb and sea are also a wonderful place to wander and look good all year around.

As we headed back to the car with the sun and the tide out we once again appreciated how amazing this coastline can be.

This week also marks 5 years since I first started this blog. I can't believe that it has been going for so long!  It has been a special part of my life and made me appreciate what is important. Thank you so much for visiting and following me. I have made so many lovely friends and through them learnt so much more about the world we all share. I also want to thank those who don't have blogs but pop by on a regular basis I do appreciate your visits so much too.

Sarah x


  1. So much beauty Sarah. Is it cold there. Some of the plants looked tropical. Glad I found your blog too.

  2. Five years. What a great milestone and I love reading your blog from a favourite part of the country. Remarkable Creatures is a brilliant book as are all Tracey Chevaliers works. I'm sure you will enjoy her sense of place and the story behind Mary Anning. I haven't been to Lyme for a while. Definitely on my list. Looks like you have had some beautiful days too. B x

  3. Happy blogaversary! Such a beautiful coastline for you to explore! Have a great week.

  4. Ever since I read Remarkable Creatures I have wanted to visit Lyme Regis. Unfortunately it's a little far for me! Your photos are beautiful. Looks cold - I am sure the coffee was appreciated!

  5. Good morning dearest Sarah! FIVE YEARS!!! For me it will be 8 or 9, and though I've stopped writing on my blog, the joy of visiting you all continues. Best wishes for a wonderful and adventurous new year in that gorgeous world of yours!

  6. What beautiful photos, those colours are gorgeous, greys and the softest hints of blue, so calming. Love the contrast of the red flags on top of the floats as well. You have outdone yourself today! Congratulations on 5 years of blogging, that's a brilliant achievement. I always like to read your posts and see your pictures from your lovely corner of the world. CJ xx

  7. Thank you for doing your blog, Sarah. It takes me to a wonderful part of the world I'd love to visit one day. I can never wrap my mind around palm trees in England, though!

  8. Sorry my comment got cut off half way through ... Hope it arrives at your blog sometime! In the meanwhile have a very happy Christmas & keep up with your interesting blog .. I enjoy it , & feel exactly the same way as you about blogging.

  9. I read Remarkable Creatures about 5 or 6 years ago and loved it - I've wanted to go to Lyme Regis ever since! Congratulations on your 5 years :)

  10. It truly is a wonderful region where you live. Keep pouring those lovely posts, as I am sure you will. I hadn't noticed it yet but now checked it was also five years for me last month. Time does fly, doesn't it?

  11. I have read most of Tracy Chevallier's books but this one is one of my favourites - helped by the fact that Lyme Regis is one of my favourite places! Lovely photos - I've not been to Lyme for a couple of years now and miss it.
    Happy Christmas!

  12. The Mary Anning story is a fascinating one and yes, I have read Remarkable Creatures. I should be very interested to know what you think of the book when you have finished it.

  13. I'm so glad that you are enjoying Remarkable Creatures. Happy reading, and the very happiest bloggy anniversary. Five years! I love your blog and hope you keep it going for many more years.

  14. A lovely selection of photos. Even in winter the coast at Lyme looks beautiful.

  15. Congratulations on the 5th anniversary of the blog!! I truly appreciate it, the photos take me in a little trip every time I am here. You do live in a beautiful geographical area! I have read Girl With A Pearl Earring but have not read the book you mentioned. Thank you the post and may you have a wonderful Christmas time!

  16. Yes, the blog is also a special part of my life. I love to see your pictures always.
    For you and your family a mery christmas and a happy new and healthy year 2017!


  17. Dear Sarah - I first became aware of Mary Anning when my eldest son was studying Geology at school, but have never read the book which I shall watch out for. I recall the little tongue twister said to be based on Mary 'She sells seashells on the seashore'.
    What a lovely idea to have a doggie jar of biscuits at the pub.
    Well done on 5 years, it is the same length of time for me too.
    Happy Christmas to you and your family, and look forward to more of your lovely posts in 2017.

  18. I remember reading and enjoying that book.
    Congratulations on your fifth blogaversary!

  19. Merry Christmas Sarah and may this new year bring you joy and laughter. Visiting your space has always been a great pleasure for me.

  20. Once again some lovely photographs you shared ...
    Happy 5 years blogging anniversary.

    Merry Christmas Wishes to you and yours too - enjoy the season.

    All the best Jan

  21. Hi Sarah, having a catch up, so sorry I missed your lovely previous posts. Lyme Regis is a great place to visit and your photos are very pretty. Hope You're all recovered from your scratchy fall. Happy Christmas x

  22. So beautiful and lovely...


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