Through the Garden Gate May 2017

 The changes in the garden are so rapid at this time of year that you almost need a weekly rather than a monthly visit through the garden gate. Take this view for instance it has changed from this at the beginning of the month......

to this......

So many plants have had their 5 minutes of fame and faded away for another year such as these alliums.

Regular readers may remember that I am trying to capture the garden from a similar location each month, so these are the typical views I have captured.

Things aren't always perfect in the garden  - our poor lupins have been decimated by green fly, we don't like spraying with chemicals, trying to wash it off with a fine spray just didn't work. We have had to resort to cutting the lupins all down in the hope it won't spread to other plants. Does anyone have any tips? We noticed blue tits feeding off some white fly on the parsley but they weren't so interested in the green fly on the lupins!

The vegetable garden is full of salad crops and the broad beans are looking good at the moment.
Favourite plants of the month include the contrasting orange marigolds and purple chive flowers, the blue geranium Brookside and the yellow geum.

Despite a busy month ahead I have signed up for going 30 days wild challenge in June, if you want to join in  see this link to the Wildlife Trusts challenge.

What is your favourite plant or disaster this month in the garden?

If you would like to join in with Through the garden gate each month please let me know in the comments below and I will add your site. Those participating this month so far are :-


  1. The glorious colour, Sarah! Love it all!

  2. It all looks utterly delightful.

    Maybe ladybirds would help with the greenfly?

  3. Your garden is exquisite! I am sorry to hear about the lupins! They are such pretty flowers and what a shame not to be able to enjoy them! How can you tempt those blue tits over there!!?

  4. So lovely to see, here in Oz we have just had our first frost, it is hard to find any flowers.

  5. In spite of the greenfly problem I enjoyed seeing your beautiful garden. It is the type of garden I would love to grow!

  6. The climbing jasmine are blooming their hearts out right now and the fragrance is heavenly. I have just cut back the lavender and have two large bunches drying. Lavender may be my favorite plant ever. However, for the first time, I planted calendula and I'm in love!

  7. Hi Sarah, not totally 100% but I think you can spray your lupins with diluted washing up water for greenfly...hope it helps.

    1. Thanks Sue I have now tried that as some remaining flies are appearing on neighbouring plants! Sarah x

    2. Works a treat. May need repeating.

  8. OHHH Sarah, what a lovely garden you have! How true, these flowers we wait for during the winter months, they make their appearance for such a short time....the peonies are finally opening up in my neighborhood and I must get out there tomorrow (for my last day of school is today) and get a bunch for photos!!!

  9. Hallo, den Blick durch das Gartentor habe ich sehr genossen. Sehr schƶn ist auch der GemĆ¼segarten. Meine Lieblingspflanzen sind zur Zeit die Paeonien und die Katastrophe ist, dass es hier nicht regnen kann.
    Liebe GrĆ¼ĆŸe

  10. My lilies are out in full force right now. My phlox has a powdery mildew all over it and I have lots and lots of phlox. I've sprayed with a fungicide, but it is terrible. Your garden looks beautiful Sarah and what a beautiful view.

  11. Hi Sarah, your garden is sooo lovely! I would like to sit under your pergola with you.
    Our Salat is eaten, we have only two pices know and today I plant a Tomato and a green courgette on my raised bed, also your tiny plant. Now she has the best home I could give her.
    It is hot in Germany, I wish I can be in Scotland know. At the seaside.


  12. Despite some gardening issues, your garden is a slice of heaven!

  13. Sarah, I love those orange marigolds.. what are they? I'm not generally a marigold fan, but the orange is wonderful!
    I would love to participate in this series, but am afraid that at this moment I haven't done a post about my own garden in at least a month! I'm hoping to get something up maybe I will get back to you tomorrow if it's done? Love the series!

    1. It would be lovely if you have the time Libby we haven't had an Amercian garden featured before. Sarah x

  14. Your garden is very beautiful.
    I loved meeting you.
    Janicce / Brazil / RS.

  15. Looking so summery and abundant and lovely! Are the aphids the giant lupin ones? Nothing gets rid of those I found when I grew tree lupins, but the ordinary lupins were not affected.

  16. It is always great to have a peek into your lovely garden, especially now that I no longer have even that sorry excuse of a garden.

  17. I have given up with Lupins this year, despite loving them - and all the old-fashioned cottage garden flowers. But the horrible slugs and snails always get then; they chomp away and totally destroy them. But I have had one success - a pot of Delphiniums which stands in a permanently water-filled dish. I can only surmise that the moat is whet keeps the chompers at bay, so now I have one deep blue, one purple and one white Delphinium in the pot. Gorgeous!

    1. That sounds a good experiment to reintroduce favourite plants back into the garden. Does the plant pot absorb some of the water from the dish? Sarah x

  18. Oh, my goodness! Your garden is fabulous.

  19. Your veggie patch looks very healthy and inviting. I had the same problem with lupins a few years ago. I look forward to solutions from other readers as I I put off growing them ever since. It's lovely that your garden backs onto a field. B x

  20. It looks wonderful Sarah. I do love the table area next to the field. What a magical place to sit.
    I've not grown lupins for years. The greenfly wouldn't get a look in. Too many slugs!
    Here's my link:

  21. Your garden is looking wonderful, and it is lovely to be able to look at a lovely flowering garden, as we go into winter!!

  22. I just love your garden. It has such a restful feel to it! Particularly that back corner looking out on the fields. I have also used a soap solution on aphids with some success in keeping the population down. Good luck.


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