Through the Garden Gate February 2018

  Hurrah! There are signs of Spring emerging again, but not sadly  in our garden with such abundance as this. It is definitely something to strive for, isn't it fantastic?

 Back to reality our spring border under the hazels, isn't quite as colourful, but it is now in it's third year and each year it gets better. It is good to look out from the conservatory windows.

I was hoping to have more flowers to show you this month, and although our solar panels have  surprisingly recorded more sunshine hours in February compared with the past two years, it still feels that there was more plants appearing this time last year. Has anyone noticed this too?

Some of the snowdrops are still in flower.

I bought a pack of six hellebores from Lidl in the Autumn to plant in a pot in the front garden. The variety of the flower colours have been a lovely surprise, and I really love this soft pinky shade. They will be a good addition to the Spring border later in the year.

The rest of the flower borders are full of fresh new green growth and the vegetable and cutting borders are still quite empty.  

So I have an extra Garden Gate to wander through this month.

Camillias framing the view to the Abbey
With the temperatures falling and a cold breeze we decided yesterday, to head inland to Forde Abbey. Unfortunately it was the week between the end of the Snowdrop weekend and the start of the Crocus Weekends, but despite this, there are other highlights to see.

Crocus emerging through the moss bank

A scattering of crocus bulbs under the tree

The snowdrops and the cream hellebore made a lovely combination.

Daffodils and ducks

From the crocus at eye level to the fountain at sky level!

Captured taking a shot!
I was intending to plant some seeds yesterday but with the reports that we will be colder than the Arctic this week, I have decided to put it off. Have you planted any seeds yet?

What is happening in your garden this month? If you would like to join in with Through the garden gate each month please let me know in the comments below and I will add your site. 
Sarah x


  1. Spring glory is moments away for you, Sarah!

  2. Wow you can already enjoy full spring. I envy you. Here winter has nature still in its claws.
    Thanky for the pictures :-)
    GrĆ¼ess Pascale

  3. Oh dear so beautiful! Well this night itĀ“s been snowing, its freezing cold outside! Well, its still february, wintermonth but I really longing for Springtime now...
    Have a happy day, take care.

  4. Still very pretty in your spring garden. Love the pink hellebores. Yes our garden seems less springlike this year. Iā€™m hoping to get out there today and finish my garden post. It should be up later today or tomorrow. B x

  5. We've actually had snow!! Albeit just a light dusting, but it's still snow! The only colour in my garden at the moment is green. It's been very cold here, well below freezing, but dry. Spring will soon be here x

  6. You're right, there don't seem to be quite the flowers this year as last. And now we are back to winter, I wonder what that will do to everything. My white camellia is in full bloom, but the cold has burned the petals and they are an orangey yellow now. The abbey is gorgeous, and those clear skies make it all look extra beautiful. Your garden is looking very neat and ready for spring. A few jobs to be done here, but mostly ready. CJ xx

  7. that dusky champagne pink is gorgeous!

    I am missing blossom on a few shrubs and trees - the drought has hit them harder than I realised. But I have feisty bulbs pushing thru regardless.

  8. It feels magical to stumble across your flower photos. They brighten this gloomy winter day and are full of warm and bright promises.And that English countryside, I do love it!
    Thanks so much for sharing! Olympia

  9. Incredible. My husband and I enjoy watching, "Escape to the Country" and "Seaside Homes." We are so anxious to go to your country and view the gardens, countryside and seaside. You capture it all so well, Sarah!

  10. Oh I wish we lived in an area of the world where Spring would show itself in February. We are covered in snow and there is more predicted for next weekend. :( Well I feast my eyes on your photos and it sustains my hope for Spring. The crocus looks delightful!! It's wonderful to see a photo of you Sarah!!! Sending our greetings from North Dakota.

  11. Those top two borders are wonderful, Sarah - I love the look of hellebores and miniature daffodils together and strive for that in the new garden here, although I have to wait for them to bulk out a bit. I've got lots of those pink hellebores, they're so pretty but had a surprise deep plum one last week. I bought a couple of white ones (Morrisons) this year but haven't planted them out yet as I don't want them to cross breed and lose my pink hellebores! Caro x

    PS. I did a short post last weekend to capture the garden before the cold snap snapped! I'd love to join in and you can read it here:

  12. Your first photo, especially, shows the joy of Spring so well. Hopefully you will have more lovely bulbs coming up in the next month. I absolutely love your Hellibores .. I'll look out for that colour. Lovely photo of you & Tavi

  13. Your borders are delightful - you are way ahead of us - we have no sign of growth on anything yet - just snowdrops and the daffs about to open - no doubt they are waiting for the snow to go too!!

  14. I think your spring border under the hazel trees looks very colourful.

  15. My daffodils have pushed up through the soil, but otherwise it is very much still winter here except for an occasional warmish day. Your garden looks like it is well on its way to being beautiful.

  16. My spring bulbs are being slow to open, thought maybe I was just being impatient. Your borders are looking lovely in the sunshine and the vegetable beds will soon be ready for growing again. My post is on line now and as you will see there's not much colour in my garden yet

  17. Our garden is covered with snow and there is a red warning for this afternoon for heavy snow and wind. Before the snow came, I did see one pussy willow that had turned yellow, a good sign of spring.

    1. The pussy willow is just coming into bud here. The snow started here at lunchtime and is now about 10cm. We have never experienced snow in West Bay before!
      Sarah x

  18. Is that now? I can't believe it. We have frost, all my plants are laying in the soil, I hope, some of them are still living.

    Wonderful pictures from your spring - and from you!


    1. It was taken on Sunday we now have thick snow. I spoke too soon! Sarah x

  19. The little blue salix complimented by the different pinks hues of the cyclamen makes a stunning display. What a lovely hellebore that you got from Lidl - such a pretty shade of dusty pink.

  20. Sarah - such lovelies! Those pink Hellebores are wonderful. Your plots look so neat and tidy. I also enjoyed seeing your photo! xo kim


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