Visitors to the Garden

Native birds visit our garden every day. At this time of year we hang out seeds and nuts and coconut shells filled with a home-made mixture. This morning as the wind howled,the rain lashed down, and the bird feeders swung at alarming angles there was only a very wet bedraggled robin trying to find shelter and food. It made me appreciate how lucky to have a dry home full of food!

One of our visiting robins taken in sunnier times.
We only have had one visit from one of these grey squirrels when it landed on the conservatory roof it made such a racket that everyone came running to see what it was, so I never got a chance to photograph it!

This one was quite happy to observe us from a distance!

This winter seems to be so long, cold and wet, there are only rare glimpses of blue skies so we make the most of them when we can. As we reached our front door after the walk on the beach below, it started to hail!. 

Waves crashing below Burton cliffs

On a more positive note, it is good to see the days beginning to rapidly lengthen again and we have seen this past week the first sky larks reappearing in the neighbouring fields.

Last June, encouraged by Louise from 30 Days Wild  and Ramblings of a Roaching I took part in 30 days Wild- the pictures were all take from around where we live -just look at all these seaweeds we found on the beach!

It is just so easy to forgot how beautiful it is in the height of summer, isn't it?

Droplets of rain on the meadows.
Last week we were lucky enough to win Ā£250 on the Health Lottery - that's the largest amount we have ever won! As we have been having problems with our existing camera since  I accidentally dropped it into a thick muddy puddle we decided to treat ourselves to a new camera! When you take so many pictures it takes a while to get used to the new one and J has decided that it is much better than his mobile phone so we are now having to share it again!

Two for the price of one!
Wishing you a good week, until next time.

Sarah x


  1. So lovely to see pictures of summer. Youā€™re right, we forget how beautiful it is. Super new camera judging by the results! X

  2. Such great variety in this post, Sarah.The gray squirrel is huge compared to our little red squirrels. The cliffs look like our red ones. The cat is beautiful. I love the small frames filled with natural wonders.

    1. Grey squirrels were introduced in the UK in the 19th century, the population of the native red squirrel has declined since then and can only be found in small patches of the UK. Sarah x

  3. Ooh lucky you, I hope you are enjoying the new camera. I've really noticed the lighter evenings and it makes it that little bit easier to go up to the house for a bit after school to do a bit more work! Only a little easier, but still better than heading up there in the dark somehow.

    It's lovely to see some summery photos. I hope you will join in with 30 days wild again this year, it won't be too long now until the campaign is appearing on social media again and we can sign up!

  4. Oh, Sarah! Beautiful photos. I specially like the 'droplets of rain' one.

  5. Happy results with your new camera!

  6. Oh, what beautiful pics. I've just finished watching Broadchurch and wondered how the weather there differs from other parts of the UK. They sure have big waves there.

  7. When I saw the close-up of the squirrel I wondered if you got a new camera! And your capture of the crashing waves is spectacular. I sure hope the weather is good in May for our sojourn in the Lake District. I'm preparing for lots of rain, but hope I'll be pleasantly surprised to find clear days for our planned walks in the countryside.

  8. A cheering post Sarah, just what I need on another wind and rain ridden day. How lovely to have a new camera, I look forward to your photos. Amazing how robins appear whatever the weather. They are such faithful little birds. B x

  9. We are luckier along the south coast we do have many bright blue skies, but bitterly cold days. Your post was full of warmth and promise of our seasons to come. It's lovely to have a new camera, you just can't take too many photo's.

  10. Good morning Sarah! You offer us many lovely glimpses of the future; our February has been brutal, every day being so cold. We are having a break today with 40F and for us, that is a welcome heat wave! Enjoy dreaming of spring!

  11. Your photo of droplets of rain is enchanting!

  12. Great title to the image 'two for one'. Enjoy your new camera Sarah - it always takes time to get used to a different one.

  13. Lovely to see your beautiful photos & congratulations on winning enough money for a new camera... Just what you need when blogging. I love your summer colours & flowers.. Nothing like an English summer's day ( if the sun is shining!)
    And the waves crashing along the Burton cliffs ... Great shot.

  14. We also have only sometimes some sunshine, in the moment it is snowing. We were ill for 10 days, in the garden everything is frozen and the cats does not want to go out. In this case it is wonderful to see your beautiful pictures.


  15. The seaweed is very beautiful, I need to look more! Where did you see all the orchids?

    1. The first one was close to the coastpath at the top of Portland and the other one was in the buttercup fields of Eype. It was so many months ago now I had to look back at the images to work out where they were! Sarah x

  16. I take a deep breath looking at your pictures, Burton cliffs are so magical!
    Have a great weekend and take care...
    Love Titti

  17. Great minds....I have today blogged about garden visitors. Watching and feeding the birds is an important part of having a garden for me. We are also ā€˜blessedā€™ with squirrels and badgers!

  18. Your photos are lovely, especially the wildlife ones. I enjoy spotting the different types of seaweed when we go to the beach too, although I can only identify a few. I've been dreaming of warmer days lately and your summery pictures transport me forwards to summer - can't wait!
    Cathy x

  19. Amazing photos! I can not wait for warmer weather (well not too hot) but weather to get my roses blooming and to get out into my garden to plant my summer garden. Have a wonderful weekend.


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