Through the Garden Gate August 2020

As the season progresses the colours in the garden get stronger and brighter. Our favourite flower at the moment is the Helianthus Lemon Queen, especially when the first rays of morning sunshine catch the flowers.

Our eyes are constantly drawn to the leaves of the willow. We cut the branches back in late spring and it doesn't take long to regrow.

The weather has been very mixed again this month, particularly in the last week when we have had heavy rain, gale force salt-laden winds. The cosmos was looking spectacular before that!

We have been enjoying a steady crop of tomatoes, the small ones, in particular, don't get as far as the kitchen before being eaten! We have had a good crop of onions, both of these crops we planted at the start of lockdown with a hope that we could survive in the uncertain times with help from the garden.

The runner beans were knocked over by the wind, we had such a huge crop and the deep freeze is so full of them that we weren't too upset to see them finish!

There are still so many insects visiting the garden. I have noticed this year, more than ever before, how important it is not to deadhead everything as the older flowers are very popular, we have also had some visits from colourful Jersey Tiger Moths.

I promised this month that I would feature the dahlias, unfortunately, the weather damaged most of the blooms, but with more buds to come this will have to be delayed until September instead.

 Our daughter quite often cuts the lawn for us, we were startled last week when she suddenly screamed as two mice jumped out of the grass box and ran into the borders! Jack is hoping that he will find them and is now often found keeping watch in the garden borders!

Have your children followed your love of gardening? I'm afraid our children suffered with us spending many hours gardening and visiting gardens or nurseries when they were young.  Despite this, it is good that we haven't put them off gardening completely! Below is part of our son's allotment, we were so impressed with their brassicas, ours have been decimated by pigeons! It is good to swop gardening advice and share an interest.

What have been the highlights in your garden this month?

It is always wonderful to see other gardens from around the world and share our love of gardening. If you want to join in with Through the garden gate please let me know in the comments below and I will add you below.

Hope you are all staying well and safe.


  1. Lovely blooms. I’m sure your garden is lovely

  2. Your Tiger Moth is startling. Zebra stripes.

  3. Your garden looks wonderful as usual.

    We have found mice in the generator house and have captured one so far. The hunt continues.

    We are eating the produce from the garden. We have way too many tomatoes as usual. Delicious though.

  4. Your helianthus are stunning; such an autumn plant. Out of our three boys middle son is the gardener and will no doubt follow in his fathers footsteps. I often get texts asking me about plants in his garden. He is very proud that his great great grandfather was a gardener in Guernsey. Lovely that your son has an allotment. B x

    1. Gardening must run through the generations my grandfather was a tomato grower in Jersey!

  5. with some sun for today's VERY cold!

  6. I have never had any luck with runner beans. You must have the perfect touch.

    Two of my sons have no interest in the garden except for what appears cooked on the table. My second son has chosen to make agriculture his livelihood: although, he had to move far away from home to find a job.
    Please add my link to the party.

  7. Love your sunny helianthus! Mine isn't blooming yet. I completely agree that we should not deadhead everything. The goldfinches are enjoying my coneflower seeds right now. Thank you, Sarah, for continuing to include me in this meme. I did something a bit different this month and showed a tour of a local community garden, as well as launching my new website. Thanks again. P. x

  8. Did my comment arrive?

    1. Hi Diana, Yes sorry I was out all day yesterday and was busy working this morning.

  9. Lovely to see your colourful garden as always... glad the nasty winds didn’t blow everything away. So far our daughters aren’t big gardeners ... but our granddaughter, aged three, is very interested!

  10. Your garden is beautiful as always. Lovely flowers! I look forward to see your dahlias in September. As a child I didn’t like gardening, but we are changing over the years.

  11. Beautiful Garden.It would be my pleasure if you join my link up party related to Gardening here at

  12. Your garden us lovely! I always enjoy looking at other people's gardens and I'm so tempted to knock on their foot and ask about it. I don't however do that. I've found that I like to plant things my Mom and grandmother liked in their gardens. They remind me instantly about them and being me back in time.
    My children love plants, too.
    Thanks for sharing the gardens.

  13. and September


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