Through the Garden Gate January 2023

Many thanks to all your comments and due to popular demand ' Through the Garden Gate' will continue in 2023! Our garden however is not looking very special this month! Although large parts of the UK had snow and icy conditions in mid January this was the coldest day we had in the garden.

Looking back at January posts from previous years it is surprising to discover how many flowers were already in bloom unlike when I wandered around the garden today! We might  just have our first snow drop flowering in the next few days!

Some of the hellebores are in flower.

                                           The euphorbia's are just about to bloom!

The cold weather has kept us out of the garden this month although we did manage one sunny day to cut back some of the old growth, it was nice to see the new growth coming through. 

Not only have I come across so many old blogging friends on Instagram since I started using it more frequently, in the last year it has given me the opportunity to follow many gardens/gardeners. Do you have any favourite Instagram gardeners you follow? One of my favourite ones is Ann Marie Powell at My real garden despite gardening for over 40 years I am always picking up useful tips and it is nice to grow things together with her huge garden community. I can't believe it was 2000 when she was presenting Real Gardens on Channel 4 with Monty Don and Carol Klein!

One highlight of January is the lengthening of days and the amazing morning light when the sun appears!

How has your gardens thrived this month? It is always wonderful to see other gardens from around the world and share our love of gardening. If you want to join in with Through the garden gate please let me know in the comments below and I will add you below:


  1. Mine is - hot off the press. We have sun ;~)

  2. So pleased you are continuing with Through The Garden Gate. I love looking through all the old posts and comparing year on year. You look like youā€™ve had more cold weather than us although we too have less in flower compared to other years. Often all the hellebores are out by now and some daffodils. I look forward to seeing your garden this year.
    Hereā€™s my updated link to Januarys garden.
    B x

  3. Yay for continuing your blog!

    My garden is covered in snow! I much prefer the look of yours.

  4. There's still alot to see going on in the garden over Winter too, people think that just because everything is in hibernation that everything stops and it doesnt. Some things carry on growing through. With it being summer here we have alot flowering, the most impressive is my tomato plants that have loads of fruit on them.

  5. Over the years l've never missed a gardening program
    presented by Monty Don, especially Gardener's World....
    Filmed at Longmeadow garden located at Monty Don's
    home in Herefordshire....And...believe it or not, Monty
    has never had training as a gardener..

    I must confess, l'm 'no' gardener..though l love my Virginia
    Creeper, which covers my home, back and front, a pond
    at the top of the garden, slightly over grown and wild, no
    fish but frogs, toads, newts etc...and l sit out on the patio,
    with a hot chocolate and enjoy the view, even better when
    Fudge pops round for a saucer of warm milk...and a chat..!

  6. I love the hellebores, Sarah. I'm looking forward to seeing mine open up. We need some warmer weather now, it's been too cold to work in the garden. here's my post for this month:

  7. Yahoo! The party continues! Add me to the list.

  8. Living in the tropics, my garden is much the same all year. It is a delight to feel the excitement you have for discovering the arrival of the first flowers of spring.


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