Through the Garden Gate April 2024

 Apologies late again by a day! It's been another busy month and with some drier spells amongst some April showers we have spent more time in the garden with everything growing so fast including the weeds there is so much to do in the garden and also in other aspects to my life!

It is so uplifting to see the garden transforming with some many bright colours and fresh green vegetation, from the blue cammassias to the red wallflowers.

The daffodil season is almost over but some late varieties are blooming.

The apple tree is full of blossom so different from last year's lone flower!

Tulips are in their prime and have stood up to strong coastal winds.

The cutting patch needs some a re-evaluation but in the meantime is full of spring flowers.

The wooden borders have now all been replaced and the rotting wood supporting the greenhouse has also been replaced this month, seeds have appeared and been transplanted all we need now is warmer days and more sun and free time!

What are the highlights in your garden this month?

It is always wonderful to see other gardens and watch their development during the year. If you want to join in with Through the garden gate each month please let me know in the comments below and I will add your site. 

Sarah x


  1. The new wooden boards look great in the vegetable garden and I know that was quite a bit of hard work replacing them. Everything looks so neat and orderly.

    Three aggressive and horrible white cabbage looper moths descended upon my garden today looking for a patch of tender cabbage leaves to lay their devouring eggs. I spent the morning putting up nets to keep them out. It seems there is something always needing to be done in the garden.


  2. Much the same over here in Dorset...Rain forecast
    for the next four days, on and off really...Daffodils
    have been and gone, l don't grow them, don't like them,
    but my neighbour does...! :(
    And an interesting thing on the news, and on line, gardening
    experts are suggesting 'NOT' to cut your grass/lawn until
    the month of July....Did'nt read the reason, could'nt be bothered
    really, l cut mine when it needs cutting...Period..! :O).

    Oh! Look! A little sunshine peeping through the Paddington Bear
    curtains..And...l can hear the recycling lorry in the distance....! :)

    1. Thank you for making me smile on another grey day!

  3. You are ready for the season. We are still in the cold and occasional snow.

  4. Oh Sarah your borders are beautiful and those pink tulips with what looks like blue forget me nots in the back just are delicious candy for the eyes. Your veggie patch looks like it is off to a good start. Have a delightful start to May.

  5. I’ve heard a lot about cammassias this year. It’s time I got some. Beautiful tulips in your garden. All looking very lush. B x

    1. We have some more cammassias coming up today in different colours. Well worth looking at

  6. Will it ever stop raining we keep wondering? Your veg bed area is looking very good and well organised, Sarah

  7. Lots to enjoy if you can grab a moment in the sun with a cup of tea.

  8. Spring is such a beautiful time of the year. The flowerbeds are wonderful!

  9. Thank you for a delightful visit to your garden, especially to see the cheerful, pink tulips.


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