Watching the tide rise and fall at Appledore

Last week we got away for a whole week for the first time since last September and it will not surprise my regular blog readers that we head to a location close to the water! With amazing views over the Torridge River estuary,  we didn't manage to venture very far!

We will be lucky to witness a kingfisher flying by - alas to fast to capture! I was amused to watch a seagull that had pinched a scone and landed on a nearby boat to devour enjoying it even without the jam and cream!

We were also lucky enough to enjoy the huge Harvest moon appearing over the hills and houses of Instow across the estuary. I rushed out to take a photograph only to suddenly feel a movement in the dark beside my feet, Initially thinking it was our dog I wasn't too concerned until I realised it had wings and was a baby seagull! 

We were so lucky with the weather and the relaxing time was just what we needed!

