Following a tree - visit 2

As signs of spring have started to appear I thought I had better go and have another look at the tree I am observing, in case I had missed the first growth of spring.

If you remember I had taken my first photo of the tree on one of walks to the beach and then found Lucy's appeal to follow a tree when I got home, so I had not looked at it in any great detail before.

There wasn't much sign of buds appearing yet, but as can be seen, the branches spread out for many metres in all directions.

Unfortunately I also noticed that there is some rubbish in the branches - the top of a picnic table and a container. You can see them in some of the other pictures if you look closely.

I wonder how they got in there  - poor tree. They look too high up to be able to dislodge easily and are also above the river, but I will try next time. I'm going to look strange going for a walk with a broom stick -oh no I can see another adventure coming on, maybe I should wait until the children are home from Uni and they can help me too!

There are also other plants growing in it's trunk - this one looks like an elder.

Hopefully on our next visit there will be more signs of spring!

Don't forget my giveaway runs out on Saturday. If you haven't yet joined in and would like too, please go here.


  1. These tree photos are just beautiful!!!

  2. Hello Sarah,
    Thank you for your visit onto my blog. : ) It amazing how some trees form and all that grow in or beside them. Lovely shots. Thanks for sharing. Have wonderful day.

  3. Hi Sarah,

    Perhaps some boys want to make a treehut?! It is a very pretty tree. Hope you will see your signs of spring soon!

    Happy weekend,

    Madelief x


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