Avoiding the Christmas frenzy

The run up to Christmas can be packed with so many things to do that it is good to get away from the madness of it all......

And find peace and calmness

And empty spaces......

 However, I'm not sure I would go quite this far!

Christmas does appear everywhere even on the beach. The annual santa charity run took place on Sunday. This involves a lonely Christmas pudding being chased along the beach by many Santa's.

It was pouring with rain but we went along to watch them and give them some support. The Ugly sisters from the pantomime joined in too.

The beach was transformed into a sea of red and white. Father Christmas should now be fit for Christmas and delivering all those presents and eating all the food!

Hope you are finding time to enjoy some quieter moments too!
Sarah x


  1. Gosh, what a lot of Santa's! Not a sight often seen on the beach I am sure. Hope they had a great day. xx

  2. Looks like my kind of day, a day with all that sea air-LOVELY!

  3. We have a lot of different runs and marathons sponsored on our beach, but none that involve Santas. I love the running Christmas tree.

  4. Lovely pictures, I really like the beach picture with the shore full of rocks and the ocean in the back ground! Cool santa's on the beach!!!

  5. Lovely, Sarah! I especially liked the Christmas pud racing along. Aren't people brilliant?

    Thanks for the pics of the sea - I am feeling withdrawal symptoms so it was lovely to see yours. We're planning a Keyhaven visit over the hols so I can top up on sea energy x

  6. What fun that Santa run looks; there is one in our local town & every year I miss it !

  7. What a great race on the beach and what fun too. I had to go through Paignton and Torquay yesterday-quite early to drop the car off for a service at 8.30am. It was lovely to see everything so calm and quiet before the days madness in the shops and on the roads. Love your three new winter photos.

  8. love those santas! Here, they do a Xmas day dip in the sea for the local hospice, its just a minute from the house so Mr and I like to go and watch, I'm amazed how many people take part in it!!

    1. We have a sponsored swim across the harbour on Christmas Day. My daughter took part a few years ago when she was raising money for her trip to Nepal. It was freezing but she managed to do it!
      Sarah x

  9. I couldn't agree more Sarah. I have been enclosed for a couple of days, doing Xmas bits and bobs and dealing with another wave of lurgy (sickness and other yuckky stuff). I am longing to put on my wellies and step onto an empty beach.

    I love your new header.

    Leanne xx

  10. This looks like a lovely way to get away from all the madness. I'd like to be there right now! I hope you have a good week. :)

  11. I am doing exactly the same thing. xo

  12. It's exactly how I would like to be! Thank you for this wonderful post Sarah! Santas running on the beach ... unexpected but so cute !

  13. Run, Santa, run...!

    I find the more frenzy I can avoid, the nicer the holiday seems. Shopping is the thing that does me in, but there is no way to avoid it. At least not if we want to eat. :-)

  14. You are right to go to the seaside and find peace and quiet there. I should follow your example Sarah! The Santa Run looks like fun. Sorry to hear the weather was awful. Those poor Santa's!

    Wishing you a happy week! Enjoy the pre Christmas festivities.

    Madelief x

  15. I've never seen anything quite like it! Running must have been pretty hard for the ugly sisters in those high-heeled shoes plus the sand. Juliex

    1. The ugly sisters only ran as far as the first beach cafe ,they had a problem with their tights too, and they couldn't damage those fantastic costumes!
      Sarah x

  16. What a hoot - surely this could only happen here.

  17. Don't we do some daft things! How can anyone ever be bored? I too find a walk on the beach the most refreshing thing.

  18. now there's something you don't see every day - lovely pics of the calm sea too

  19. A lovely post. I really felt the need for a walk by the sea today, to escape for a while. The best I could manage was a walk by a stream. Not quite the same! But it's been fantastic to see your beautiful pictures, thank you. And the Christmas pudding sprinting along the beach made me laugh.

  20. Oh quieter moments Sarah - sounds wonderful. Love all your photos and the collection of Santas.
    Patricia x

  21. The run up to Christmas can be so busy and stressful, it's good to be able to get away from it all even if only for an hour or two. We are lucky to be near lovely countryside and can just take ourselves off for a short walk. I love Christmassy things though and your Santa run looks great fun!

  22. Had to smile at the santa race! I had that thought about the ugly sisters, too! The lovely thing about the sea is the wide open space, puts everyday life into perspective.....

  23. What a fun thing to go and see. I love the look of your driftwood heart now I need to find more driftwood.

  24. I so love and share your sentiments here. Love the open space shot of the beach. I did a little power session of 3 hours last month and got presents bought and wrapped. Since then I have avoided the shops and sought those quieter, open spaces - namely the beach, parks & relaxing cafes. And of course time with loved ones. Quietness of the mind is also important for me, and with some emotional stuff to process lately, I'm needing that even more. I wish you a wonderful christmas my friend. (How lovely that your sister lives across from Hyde Park! I loved our wander around there, the german shephard I photographed was in Hyde Park. Petersham Nurseries was lovely, a great place for a date with your daughter I think! It seemed there were many ladies having dates there.) x

  25. I agree, Sarah - the open spaces of the sea and shore are one of the best places to escape the Christmas frenzy. And I love the sight of those Santas, presumably the first Santa to catch the pud wins? It's wonderful to see so many people having fun while supporting a worthy cause.

  26. I AM TERRIBLY LATE for this incredible show of Santas on the beach! tehehehehehehehee

    I love that Christmas tree outfit and when I lived in Rockport, Massachusetts, we lived right on the beach. Santa used to come on a LOBSTER BOAT! Love to all my sweet friend, Anita

  27. Thank you for the very welcome bit of calmness Sarah. I wonder if I can persuade Mike to do a bit of the coastal path on Boxing Day. Love your new header!

    1. A walk along the coast path would be lovely on Boxing Day - the local football derby takes priority with the males in our house!
      Sarah x

  28. I love seeing the Santa run photos from various spots around the country, never seen a running pud before though! We love a visit to the beach on New Years day, so different from summertime but so beautiful.

  29. My favourite is the one of what looks like Chesil Beach. Lovely Sarah. I feel calmer - thank you!

    1. It was Chesil beach we were looking for driftwood to make a tree.
      Sarah x

  30. Hi Sarah,

    Couldn't agree with you more, Christmas always seems to be hectic and it is so nice seeing your beautiful peaceful seaside pictures. The Santa's at the beach must have been fun to see.
    Happy week

  31. Dear Sara, these Santas look really cheerful and what a great to run for charity! I know what you mean by more quiet... it was busy in London but for three days one manages! Had we stayed another day we would have taken the train south to enjoy the sea! Now I see your lovely photos and they make me happy too! Christa

  32. I am highly motivated to get things done early on so I can enjoy the weeks leading up to Christmas. For more than a decade now we've cut back drastically on social commitments and that has made all the difference for me. How wonderful that you have the seashore to escape to amongst the frenzy. I enjoyed seeing your town's Santa Run tradition!

  33. Wow love the jogging Santa's and the sights of the 'fun run'!!! on the beach as well....
    Your post has lifted my spirit, it can all get a little crazy, mad and bonkers this time of year..
    We are going away this week to a small haven of retreat....It's been soo busy at work I haven't had time to stroll through my park and think and dream...
    LOVE this post, Sarah! Stay well.....
    Hugs Maria x

  34. I love that picture with all the Santa's on the beach! Quite unusual. But my favorite is still your first picture ā€“ the sea and the sky have such wonderful colors. You do live in beautiful surroundings.


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