Watching the sun go down

I love watching sunrises and sunsets and they are even more special if this happens over the water. 

The Chesil beach is a popular place for fisherman in the evenings and some will remain there all night in the hope of getting a good catch. 

The views and colours change every few moments .......

Another evening a different location.......

A simple pleasure ...hope you have time to watch the sun go down too.
 Sarah x


  1. Hi Sarah,
    Those photos are gorgeous. What a beautiful way to spend a moment, looking at a sunrise or a sunset. Thank you so much for these photos. Have a wonderful day.

  2. I think sunsets are spectacular to watch, I always feel peaceful and a little bit in awe at their beauty, beautiful photos! Ada :)

  3. Dear Sarah,
    The new camera seems to be working a treat! Really love that last photo! I agree there is something magical about a sunset.

  4. Just lovely! I've learned in England that you can only have a sunset with clear weather, not in rain or overcast. I think this makes sunsets even more precious here. I try to savor each one. England is so glorious, basking in the sun :) You have beautifully captured it here!

  5. Lovely images Sarah - how can people possibly take nature for granted - she is so spectacular and ever changing.

  6. Such beautiful photos Sarah! The last one would be good on a calendar.

  7. beautiful shots! i'd love to see the sun set over the water. living on the east coast i love sunrises, but rarely see one. x

  8. You live at a beautiful place! Amazing photo's, all so different. groetjes, Gerda

  9. These images are extraordinary beautiful!!!!

    ā™„ Franka

  10. are so lucky to live by the sea all the time. Only 2 more days for me then we go to Scotland for a few days over the holiday and I get to watch the sunsets on the sea too...can't wait!

  11. Hello Sarah

    Such heavenly views and like you I never tire of sunrises and sunsets by the ocean


  12. Beautiful photos. The last one is very atmospheric. xx

  13. You've captured it so well Sarah, especially on that last photo. I love sunsets too, At this time of the year whenever possible we walk up to a nearby deer park to watch the sun go down, it's so peaceful up there and the surrounding countryside looks beautiful in that light.

  14. Hello Sarah,
    Sunsets are magical. I often sit outside and watch the sun setting over the olive trees.
    your photos are spectacular. What a beautiful beach..
    nice post
    happy thursday

  15. Absolutely beautiful! I wish I was on the beach.

  16. So beautiful Sarah. Especially that last be on that beach and see the sun go down.......magical!

    Madelief x

  17. Hello Sarah,
    I agree with the comment above, I always think, 'how lovely your part of the word looks.....
    These are beautiful photographs, I love looking at the evening skies as it makes me feel we belong to some thing so much larger than our selves.
    Have a lovely rest of week Sarah, LoVe Maria x

  18. Just Stunning! I love watching the sun go down
    Thea x

  19. Sunsets and sunrises must be one (or two) of the best times of days though I'm normally only at good at seeing the this time of the year.

    Nina x

  20. Yourr photos are absolutely stunning!

  21. I love your photos, the sunsets are gorgeous. I've read some of your posts and see we have similar interests. I've just become your latest follower. Look forward to getting to know you.

  22. Beautiful photos Sarah, and I agree there's nothing like a good sunset! Which I do miss a bit at our place, we get the most fantastic sunrises over the sea and mountains, but the sun sets behind us, and I've noticed in the 10 months we've been living here that we don't get many spectacular sunsets. But I can't complain!! S:)

  23. Oh wow! That last photo especially, just gorgeous. I miss the sea.

  24. Sunrises and sunsets are always worth watching! May it be at the sea or on the mountains! Such a wonder day after day... your pictures are exquisite! You are living in a heavenly place, Sarah! Thanks so much for your comments on my blog! I appreciate them a lot! Have relaxing and sunny weekend! Christa

  25. Hi Sarah,
    Thanks for your visit. The insect is a praying mantis. They are special in my garden. They eat the bad bugs and they eat the good insects too. I have seen them hunt for bees, moths and small butterflies. I have a few around the yard that I have spotted. Hubby and I need to be careful when we start to cut done the bushes. The praying mantis lay their cocoon on hard stems or any thing solid. We tag the branches and wait for next Spring for them.
    Have a beautiful weekend.

  26. I love the pictures you took of the changing skies and colours during the sunset.
    So glad you came to visit my blog. Now I could discover yours. So full of prettiness. I will be stopping by more often if you don't mind ;-)

  27. I love seeing your beach photos and comparing them to our beach. It is fun to see what the ocean looks like around the world.

  28. simply beautiful sarah. thankyou!

    Leanne x

  29. Wow, that last photo is spectacular my friend! See you for our jamming session later this week! ;)

  30. Those are really beautiful pictures - I absolutely love sitting by the sea and watching the sun go down, and funnily enough I had blogged about it earlier this week. I do envy you living in Dorset - one of my favourite places!

    Pomona x


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